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IRIS 2024-4:1/13 [FR] C8 ordered to respect human dignity and control its programmes

During the programme Touche pas à mon poste broadcast on C8 on 5 February 2024, a female studio guest spoke about a rape that she said she had suffered. Clearly vulnerable, she was questioned for around 20 minutes about a highly traumatic episode in her life. Even when she found it difficult to continue speaking, the programme presenter and pundits continued to ask her questions, some of which were intrusive, for around six minutes. Despite the guest’s obvious despair and distress, the editor failed to cut the interview short or even stop it temporarily to give her time to compose...

IRIS 2024-3:1/10 [FR] Respect for children’s image rights on the Internet: provisions of the law of 19 February 2024

Designed to improve the protection of the image rights of children whose parents publish photographs and videos of them on social media, the law “guaranteeing respect for children’s image rights” was published in the Official Journal on 19 February. This practice, known as ‘sharenting’, carries various risks, including online identity fraud, blackmail, cyberstalking, child prostitution and child pornography. The Child Influencers Act of 19 October 2020 was a first step in protecting the image rights of children who appear in videos posted on social networks. However,...

IRIS 2024-3:1/11 [FR] Senate adopts bill on support for the French film industry at first reading

Tabled by Céline Boulay-Espéronnier, Sonia de La Provôté and Jérémy Bacchi on 17 September 2023 and adopted by the Senate on 14 February 2024, the bill on support for the French film industry was drawn up on the basis of a report by the same authors entitled “Cinema fights back: between resilience and cultural exception, an important art form with a future” (IRIS 2023-7:1/24). The bill aims firstly to make cinema operators’ lives easier by simplifying the management of unlimited-access cinema passes. Nearly 25 years after the passes were...

IRIS 2024-3:1/12 [FR] Conseil d’État reviews ARCOM’s powers to monitor pluralism and independence of information

A few days before the Autorité de régulation de la communication audiovisuelle et numérique (the French audiovisual regulator – ARCOM) launched a call for applications for frequency allocations, with the licences held by 15 national television services, including CNews, due to expire soon, the Conseil d’État (Council of State) issued an important decision strengthening the regulator’s powers to monitor audiovisual media services’ compliance with their obligations concerning the honesty, pluralism and independence of information. The Reporters...

IRIS 2024-3:1/21 European Court of Human Rights: Tariq Ramadan v. France

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has decided that a criminal conviction in France of the Swiss public intellectual and Islamologist Tariq Ramadan was not a violation of his right to freedom of expression under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Ramadan was convicted for having disseminated information about the identity of the alleged victim of a rape (X) for which he was facing trial in France. Ramadan had revealed X’s identity in a press release, during a TV interview and in a book. The ECtHR dismissed his complaint under Article 10 ECHR as manifestly...