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IRIS 2003-3:1/18 [FR] The CSA Adopts a Code of Ethics

Almost a year after the situation that discredited two of its members, the CSA (Conseil supérieur de l'audio visuel - audiovisual regulatory body) has adopted a code of ethics. As members of an independent administrative authority, the members of the CSA have had a specific status conferred on them by the Audiovisual Communication Act. They cannot be either dismissed or re-appointed. During their term of office and for one year thereafter, they must refrain from adopting any public position on matters that the CSA has had to deal with or that may be submitted to them in the exercise of their duties;...

IRIS 2003-2:1/24 [FR] Government Bill on Confidence in the Digital Economy Submitted and the CSA's Opinion

Nicole Fontaine, the Minister for Industry, submitted her Bill on confidence in the digital economy to the Council of Ministers on 14 January. The purpose of this text is to lay down specific rules that more particularly clarify the obligations of Internet service providers and the extent of protection for users. It is divided in to four main sections: the responsibility of technical providers in respect of the content they pass on, transposition of Directive 2000/31/EC on e-commerce, provisions concerning encryption and computer crime, and satellite systems. If the Bill is passed as it stands,...

IRIS 2003-2:1/14 [FR] Repeated Rescheduling - Intervention by the CSA

The CSA has had to call the television channels to order following a wave of successive rescheduling by M6, France 2 and TF1 in the past few days. The movement was started by M6 and France 2, both of which had decided to broadcast at 8.55 pm on 1 February their new programmes intended to test viewers' knowledge of the highway code - "Permis de conduire: le grand test" and "Code de la route: le grand examen". M6 decided on 15 January to bring forward the broadcasting of its programme to Friday, 31 January. Keen to be first in line, France 2 then immediately scheduled its programme for 28 January...

IRIS 2003-2:1/13 [FR] Fair Competition Board Suspends Allocation of TV Rights for Premier Football to Canal+

The Conseil de la concurrence (Fair Competition Board) issued a decision on 23 January 2003 that temporarily suspends the allocation to Canal+ of the rights to broadcast matches in the premier league football championship for the season 2004-2007 on television. The decision follows on from the complaint of abuse of a dominant position brought by its satellite competitor TPS against the French professional football league (Ligue de football professionnelle - LFP) and the company Canal+ after the league had granted exclusive rights to Canal+ on 14 December last year for the record sum of EUR 480...

IRIS 2003-1:1/25 [FR] Regulations on Authorisation of Cinema Season Tickets

UGC's initiative taken in March 2000 without any prior reference to the public authorities to launch an "unlimited" season ticket resulted - in addition to the company being fined FRF 1.5 million for breach of the cinematographic industry code (see IRIS 2000-8: 9) - in the adoption of measures to set limits on commercial schemes of this type. Since the acts of 15 May and 17 July 2001, setting up a scheme for cinema access giving entitlement to more than one entry ("unlimited cinema season tickets") is subject to the prior authorisation of the director of the Centre national de la cinématographie...