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IRIS 2005-3:1/20 [FR] Use of the French Language in the Audiovisual Media

Faced with the multiplication of English terms on radio and television, the CSA (Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel - audiovisual regulatory body) adopted on 18 January a recommendation recalling the legal and contractual provisions to which service editors are subject in this respect. Introduced by Article 12 of the Act of 4 August 1994 on use of the French language, Article 20-1 of the Act of 30 September 1986 lays down the principle according to which the use of French is compulsory for all broadcasts and advertising by radio or television bodies and services. This obligation is also taken up...

IRIS 2005-3:1/19 [FR] Final Adjustments before the Start of Terrestrially-broadcast Digital Television

With just a few weeks to go before its launch - scheduled for 31 March for the non-pay channels - terrestrially-broadcast digital television is not really looking ready to make its appearance on the French audiovisual scene. On 20 October, the Conseil d'État cancelled six of the twenty-three authorisations the CSA (Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel - audiovisual regulatory body) had issued to editors of television services intended for terrestrial broadcasting in digital mode (see IRIS 2004-10: 10), which meant it had to start a new call for applications to use the remaining frequencies on 14...

IRIS 2005-3:1/18 [FR] CSA Serves another Formal Notice on Eutelsat

In continuation of the case of Al Manar TV (see IRIS 2005-1: 12), the CSA (Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel - audiovisual regulatory body) served formal notice on 10 February on the satellite operator Eutelsat to stop broadcasting the television service Sahar 1. The channel is edited by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Company, which is established in Iran; it is not subject to any type of control by another European Union Member State and is broadcast by Eutelsat without being covered by any agreement with the CSA, in violation of Articles 33-1, 43-2 and 43-4 of the Act of 30 September...

IRIS 2005-2:1/25 [FR] Broadcasting Cinematographic Works on Television

The Decree of 17 January 1990, as amended, which lays down the general principles for the broadcasting of cinematographic and audio-visual works by the editors of television services, and the Decree of 28 December 2001 on the contribution of Canal + (terrestrially broadcast analog pay channel) to the development of the production of audio-visual and cinematographic works, has now been amended by two decrees adopted on 23 December 2004. The purpose of these decrees is to take advantage of developments in relations between service editors, and more particularly Canal +, and representatives of the...

IRIS 2005-2:1/24 [FR] Decree on Broadcasting Events of Major Importance

More than four years after the adoption of legislation transposing the Television Without Frontiers Directive into the national Audiovisual Communication Act, and almost two years after the opinion issued by the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (regulatory authority - CSA) on the draft text submitted to it by the Ministry for Culture and Communication (see IRIS 2003-4: 8), the decree laying down the conditions for assuring the exclusive television broadcasting of events of major importance so that a large section of the public is not deprived of the possibility of following them on a freely accessible...