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IRIS 1995-7:1/14 [ES] Entry into Force of Certain Provisions of the Act of Transposition of the Directive 'Television without Frontiers'

The 14 July 1995 is the date of expiration of the delay for the entry into force of the articles of the Act of transposition of the Directive "Television without frontiers", which regulate the advertisement breaks during long-run films as well as for information programmes, documentaries and children programmes.

IRIS 1995-7:1/13 [ES] New Law on Advertising

On 20 June 1995, the Parliament of Gallicia passed a Bill on tobacco and spirits.The new law lays down severe restrictions on advertising for tobacco and spirits in magazines and newspapers published in Gallicia, all such advertising is forbidden on the front pages as well as in the sports, leisure and children's sections. No advertising for alcoholic drinks can be shown on television between 8 and 10pm.

IRIS 1995-7:1/11 [ES] Compensatory Payment for Private Copies

In May and June 1995, about 6 months after law 43/1994 was passed, incorporating into Spanish legislation EEC directive 92/100/CEE of 19 November 1992 on rental and lending rights and certain rights related to copyright, the Spanish rental sector issued a string of protests over the situation whereby Cultural Centres could rent videos without paying rental fees, while the Spanish Performing Rights Association (the SGAE) was appointed to collect royalties from the video rental companies. Spanish law defines compensatory payment for copies for private use as a single, fair payment made to compensate...

IRIS 1995-1:1/51 [NL/ES] Agreement on Cultural and Scientific Co-operation between Spain and the Netherlands

The Kingdom of Spain and the Netherlands reached an agreement on 27 February 1978 concerning cultural and scientific co-operation. The aim of the agreement, which came into force on 6 March 1979, is to promote joint co-operation on education, science and culture. Article 13 provides that the contracting countries must foster direct co-operation in the areas of radio, television and the press. According to Article 14, this also applies in particular to cinematographic co-productions and the exchange of artistic, documentary and scientific films and other audiovisual media productions that will...

IRIS 1995-1:1/33 [ES] Constitutional Court ruling on Local Cable Distribution

In Spain cable is not regulated. Therefore many private cable networks exist which are being used by their owners to distribute their own video compilations of different television programmes. This practice has lead to a chaotic situation and therefore, the Spanish administration decided to subject cable networks to a licensing system. Cable operators argued that this policy was in breach of their freedom of expression and continued their activities without a licence. This resulted in the sanctioning of a cable operator who was active in different local communities, and in the seizure of his equipment....