
[ES] Developments in telecommunications in 1995

IRIS 1996-2:1/16

Dolors Fenollosa

Bufete Mullerat y Roca

During the last quarter of 1995 various Acts which are going to revolutionise the telecommunications market were adopted and entered into force.

In October 1995, the following European Community Directives were implemented in Spanish law:

- Act No 27/1995 of 11 October 1995 implementing Council Directive 93/98/EEC of 29 October 1993, harmonising the term of copyright and certain related rights (OJEC of 24.11.1993, No L 290, p. 9); and

- Act No 28/1995 of 11 October 1995 implementing Council Directive 93/83/EEC of 27 September 1993, on the coordination of certain rules concerning copyright and rights related to copyright applicable to satellite broadcasting and cable transmission (OJEC of 6 October 1993, No L 248, p. 15). Meanwhile, in December 1995 Spain got on board the telecommunications train. The fruits of this were, firstly, Act No 39/1995 of 12 December 1995, relating to Telecommunications by Satellite. Later, and as a part of a regulatory marathon, Act 42/1995 of 22 December, relating to Telecommunications by Cable; Act No 41/1995 of 22 December 1995, relating to Local Terrestrial Broadcasting; Special Majority Act No 14/1995 of 22 December 1995, relating to the Terrestrial Broadcasting of Electoral Propaganda by Local Television Stations; and, last but not least, Royal Decree No 2074/1995 of 22 December 1995, which fixes the rate of the annual tax established by Article 15 of Act No 31/1987 of 18 December 1987, relating to concessions for certain telecommunications services. (Dolors Fenollosa, Attorney at the Court of Appeal, BUFETE MULLERAT & ROCA, Barcelona)


  • Ley 28/1995, de 11 de octubre, de incorporación al Derecho español de la Directiva 93/83/CEE del Consejo, de 27 de septiembre de 1993, sobre coordinación de determinadas disposiciones relativas a los derechos de autor y derechos afines a los derechos de autor en el ámbito de la radiodifusión vía satélite y de la distribución por cable. BOE de 13 de octubre de 1995.
  • Act No 28/1995 of 11 October 1995 implementing Council Directive 93/83/EEC of 27 September 1993, on the coordination of certain rules concerning copyright and rights related to copyright applicable to satellite broadcasting and cable transmission, BOE of 13 October 1995.

  • Ley 37/1995, de 12 de diciembre, de Telecomunicaciones por Satélite. BOE de 13 de diciembre de 1995.
  • Act No 39/1995 of 12 December 1995, relating to Telecommunications by Satellite, BOE 13 December 1995.

  • Ley 42/1995, de 22 de diciembre, de las telecomunicaciones por cable. BOE de 23 de diciembre de 1995.
  • Act 42/1995 of 22 December, relating to Telecommunications by Cable, BOE 23 December 1995.

  • Ley 41/1995, de 22 de diciembre, de Televisión local por ondas terrestres. BOE de 27 de diciembre de 1995.
  • Act No 41/1995 of 22 December 1995, relating to Local Terrestrial Broadcasting, BOE 27 December 1995.

  • Ley Orgánica 14/1995, de 22 de diciembre, de publicidad electoral en emisoras de televisión local por ondas terrestres. BOE de 27 de diciembre 1995.
  • Act No 14/1995 of 22 December 1995, relating to the Terrestrial Broadcasting of Electoral Propaganda by Local Television Stations, BOE 27 December 1995.

  • Real Decreto 2074/1995, de 22 de diciembre, por el que se determina el canon anual establecido en el artículo 15 de la Ley 31/1987, de 18 de diciembre, de Ordenación de las Telecomunicaciones, para la concesión de determinados servicios de telecomunicación. BOE de 12 de enero de 1996.
  • Royal Decree No 2074/1995 of 22 December 1995, which fixes the rate of the annual tax established by Article 15 of Act No 31/1987 of 18 December 1987, relating to concessions for certain telecommunications services. BOE of 12 January 1996.

  • Ley 27/1995, de 11 de octubre, de incorporación al Derecho español de la Directiva 93/98/CEE del Consejo, de 29 octubre de 1993, relativa a la harmonización del plazo de protección del derecho de autor y de determinados derechos afines. BOE de 13 de octubre de 1995.
  • Act No 27/1995 of 11 October 1995 implementing Council Directive 93/98/EEC of 29 October 1993, harmonising the term of copyright and certain related rights, BOE of 13 October 1995.

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.