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IRIS 1998-7:1/18 [ES] Approval of a decree on the creation of a Committee for the Broadcasting of Sport Events

On 3 July 1997 Spain adopted a law relating to the broadcasting of sport events ( See IRIS 1997-8: 12). Article 4.1 of this law establishes that a Committee for the Broadcasting of Sport Events ( Consejo para las emisiones y retransmisiones deportivas) will be created, and that this Committee will be entrusted with deciding which events are to be considered of national interest (in the light of the revised Television Without Frontiers Directive). This Committee has been set up by a Decree of 22 May 1998. According to this Decree, the main tasks of the Committee are (1) to list the events of national...

IRIS 1998-6:1/17 [ES] Publication of the Instrument of Ratification of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television

According to article 1.5 of the Spanish Civil Code, International Treaties cannot be directly applied in Spain until they have been published in the Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE - Spanish Official Journal). On 22 April, the Spanish Instrument of Ratification of the 1989 European Convention on Transfrontier Television, including the full text of the Convention, was published finally in the BOE. The aim of the Convention is to facilitate transfrontier transmission and retransmission of television programme services among the Members States of the Council of Europe that are signatories of the Convention....

IRIS 1998-6:1/14 [ES] Telecommunications Law Passed

A new Telecommunications law has been passed recently in Spain, replacing the 1987 Ley de Ordenación de las Telecomunicaciones (LOT). As expected, it deals only with telecommunication matters, but it nevertheless affects broadcasting to some degree. The LOT defines telecommunications as general interest services, so they are no longer considered to be a public service: only national defence and civil protection services; universal and compulsory telecommunications services (and cable and terrestrial TV) remain within this category. The LOT also deals with competition in this sector; the granting...

IRIS 1998-4:1/25 [ES] More Sanctions to Spanish Broadcasters when Infringing Advertising Rules

Despite the criticisms made by consumer groups and some newspapers which tried to prove that Law No 25/1994 on the implementation of the "Television without Frontiers" Directive was systematically being violated, between 1994 and 1997, there has been only one reported case in which a sanction was imposed for violating of the Spanish Law: in February 1995 the competent authority, the Ministerio de Fomento (Ministry of Development) gave a fine of 10 million pesetas (approx. 65.000 ECU) to Antena 3 and Tele 5 for exceeding the advertising time limits. In 1997, the Government acknowledged these alleged...

IRIS 1998-4:1/18 [ES] Bill to Implement the Revised “Television without Frontiers” Directive

The Spanish Government has recently presented a Bill in order to implement the revised "Television without Frontiers" Directive. The Bill proposes to amend the Spanish Law 25/1994, which implemented the original "Television without Frontiers" Directive. The Bill introduces some important amendments concerning inter alia: the scope of application of the provisions of the law (it would apply to terrestrial, satellite and cable TV, and to all public and private broadcasters); the criteria used to determine in which country a broadcaster is established; the new rules on advertising (especially during...