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IRIS 2000-4:1/9 [ES] Renewal of Concessions for National TV Broadcasters and Tender for National Free-to-Air DTTV Concessions

On 10 March 2000, the Spanish Government decided to renew the concessions awarded in 1989 to the national private broadcasters Canal Plus-Sogecable, Antena 3 TV and Gestevisión-Telecinco for a new ten-years period. The conditions of the concessions will remain the same, with just one exception: these broadcasters must start providing Digital Terrestrial Television (DTTV) services no later than two years after the renewal of those concessions. For these purposes, the National Technical Plan on DTTV reserves a programme service for each of the three private broadcasters in a digital multiplex. These...

IRIS 2000-4:1/8 [ES] Decree Setting Up the Committee for the Broadcasting of Sport Events Complies with the Law

The Supreme Court has decided that Decree 991/1998 of 22 May 1998 (see IRIS 1998-7: 11) on the setting up of the Committee for the Broadcasting of Sport Events (hereinafter referred to as "the Committee") is lawful. The main tasks of the Committee are to list sport events of national interest and to oversee the enforcement of Law 21/1997, on the Broadcasting of Sport Events. The Plenary Meetings of the Committee are attended by 52 members-representatives of the different Ministries concerned, the Government of the Spanish regions, sport federations, media enterprises, media trade unions and consumer...

IRIS 2000-3:1/32 [ES] Merger Affecting the Audio-Visual Sector Approved

The Spanish Government has recently approved the merger of two of the main Spanish banks, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya (BBV) and Argentaria. This merger affects several relevant markets, including the audio-visual market, in which both banks directly or indirectly participate. The Spanish Government has approved this merger acting as the national competition authority with responsibility for the assessment of mergers that do not have European dimension (Arts. 14 to 18 of the 1989 Defence of Competition Act). The Government has attached to its decision some conditions and obligations intended to minimise...

IRIS 2000-3:1/24 [ES] Ministerial Order Implements the Decree-Law on Electronic Signatures

In September 1999, the Government approved a Decree-Law regulating electronic signatures (see IRIS 1999-10: 4). Now the Government has passed a Ministerial Order with some implementation measures needed for the effective application of the Decree-Law. This Ministerial Order approves the Regulation on the accreditation of certification-service providers and on the certification of certain "electronic-signature products" (for definition see Article 2 (13.) of Directive 1999/93/EC concerning electronic signatures). According to this Regulation, the authority that will have the power to provide the...

IRIS 2000-2:1/29 [ES] Amendment of Several Provisions Related to Media Law

In December 1999, the Spanish authorities approved several provisions that partially amend some existing norms relating to Media Law. - Act 52/1999, which amends Act 16/1989, on the Defence of Competition, also amends Act 12/1997, on the liberalization of telecommunications, which creates the CMT (Comisión del Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones, Telecommunications Market Commission). The main duty of the CMT is to ensure free competition in the telecommunications and audiovisual and interactive services markets. Act 52/1999 clarifies the rules regulating the relationship between the CMT and the...