[ES] New Code of Listed Sports Events
IRIS 2000-10:1/7
Alberto Pérez Gómez
Entidad publica empresarial RED.ES
On 31 July 2000, the Plenary Meeting of the Consejo para las Emisiones y Retransmisiones Deportivas (Committee for the Broadcasting of Sport Events) approved the Code of Listed Sports Events for the 2000/2001 season. Sports affected are football, cycling, basketball, handball, motorcycle racing, track & field events and tennis. The Code indicates which events in each of these sports must be broadcast on free-to-air TV (provided a free-to-air broadcaster is interested in doing so). In addition, it ought to be noted that Art. 5 of Law 21/1997 states that a match from every league or cup competition game day, for those sports in which such competition systems apply, must be broadcast live, free and throughout the entire national territory. This Code of Listed Sport Events, as well as the Codes passed by the Committee since its creation in 1998, has not yet been notified to the European Commission.
- Resolución de 31 de julio de 2000, del Consejo de Emisiones y Retransmisiones Deportivas, por la que se ordena la publicación del Acuerdo del Pleno del Consejo de Emisiones y Retransmisiones Deportivas por el que se aprueba el Catálogo de Competiciones o Acontecimientos Deportivos de Interés General para la temporada 2000/2001, BOE n. 191 de 10 de agosto de 2000, p. 28656
- Resolution of the Committee for the Broadcasting of Sport Events, on the code of listed sport events for the 2000/2001 season, 31 July 2000, BOE n. 191, of 10 August 2000, p. 28656
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.