Search results : 342
Refine your searchIRIS 2014-10:1/12 [ES] National Commission for Market Competition opens an investigation into the Commercial Radio Broadcasters Association | |
In Spain, the Sociedad de Artistas Intérpretes o Ejecutantes de España (AIE), and the Asociación de Gestión de Derechos Intelectuales (AGEDI) are the collective management societies or performing rights societies respectively representing musical performing artists and phonogram producers. These collective management societies are entitled to administer the right to receive an equitable remuneration from any third party that publicly performs or communicates sound recordings to the public, such as bars, clubs and radios, cinemas and television broadcasters (when recordings are synchronised with... |
IRIS 2014-10:1/2 European Commission: Aid to finance digitisation and extension of terrestrial television in Spain incompatible with EU law | |
On 1 October 2014, the European Commission concluded that subsidies granted in the Spanish region of Castilla-La Mancha to fund the digitisation and extension of the terrestrial television network in remote areas were incompatible with EU state aid rules. The Commission also ordered the recovery of such aids worth EUR 46 million. This decision follows the conclusions already expressed in a decision of 19 June 2013, which referred to the national scheme to finance digital terrestrial television transition in Spain (see IRIS 2013-7/5). According to the Commission, the measure violated the principle... |
IRIS 2014-9:1/6 Court of Justice of the European Union: EUR 150 million fine upheld for anti-competitive broadband pricing by Spanish Telecoms Giant | |
On 4 July 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered its opinion in Case C-295/12 (Telefónica SA and Others v. European Commission). In this case, the Court considered a request on appeal for the revocation of a fine imposed by the European Commission for anti-competitive pricing in Spanish broadband access markets. The case arose following a complaint to the Commission concerning the pricing policies of Telefónica SA and its subsidiaries submitted on 11 July 2003. The Commission subsequently examined whether the margin between the wholesale prices, which Telefónica charged... |
IRIS 2014-8:1/7 Court of Justice of the European Union: Ruling on State Aid in the Case of the “Ciudad de la Luz” in Spain | |
On 3 July 2014, the General Court of the Court of Justice of the European Union confirmed that the decision of the Government of the Spanish region of Valencia (“Comunitat Valenciana”) consisting of a series of investments with regards to the project named “Ciudad de la Luz” (City of the Light) is incompatible with EU law. This project includes the creation and exploitation of new cinema studios and a school of cinema near the city of Alicante. The Court validates the decision adopted in May of 2012 by the European Commission, which declared such measures as being a State aid contrary to article... |
IRIS 2014-8:1/6 Court of Justice of the European Union: Funding scheme of the national public service broadcaster in Spain confirmed | |
In its judgment of 11 July 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union confirmed the current funding scheme of the Spanish national public service broadcaster Corporación de Radio y Television Espanola (RTVE). In particular, the Court analyses and validates the measures introduced by the Law number 8 of 2009. This Law modifies the regime originally established by the - still in force - Law number 17 of 2006 which generally regulates the provision of the national public broadcasting service in Spain. The main and very important changes introduced by this Law include the elimination of commercial... |