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IRIS 2019-4:1/12 [ES] Catalan Audiovisual Council analysis of online content that promotes betting and gambling

Current epidemiological data demonstrate that in Spain, up to 4.6% of teenagers show risk behaviour in relation to betting and gambling, and that the average age at which addicts start to gamble is 19 years old. In addition, 37% of adult addicts started gambling before they had reached the minimum legal age to do so. Bearing in mind this data, the Catalan Audiovisual Council (Consell de l’Audiovisual de Catalunya, CAC) report examines audiovisual content that promotes betting and gambling in various ways, with a view to informing the debate on the rise in betting and gambling addictions. To do...

IRIS 2019-3:1/12 [ES] Public consultation in Spain on the implementation of the AVMS Directive

The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business has opened a public consultation process to gather the opinions of stakeholders in the audiovisual industry and other interested parties on the implementation of the EU’s Audiovisual Media Services Directive (“the AVMS Directive”), which will modify Law 7/2010 on Audiovisual Communication (the AVMS Directive). The Ministry seeks the participation of audiovisual-sector agents, public administrations, agents from other sectors linked to the audiovisual sector, representatives of consumer associations and user associations, and members of society in general. The...

IRIS 2019-3:1/11 [ES] Spain goes further than the GDPR when adapting its data protection law

More than a year after the draft bill was submitted to the Congress on 14 November 2017, Spain finally adopted its Organic Law No. 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and the Guarantee of Digital Rights. The law entered into force on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette of 6 December 2018, Constitution Day in Spain. The law applies to the public and private sector, is organised into ten chapters and includes ninety-seven articles, one repealing the provision as well as several additional, transitory and final provisions. It repeals Organic Law No. 15/1999...

IRIS 2018-10:1/10 [ES] RTL wins case against NH Hotels in Spain concerning illegal TV use

In a ruling of 16 January 2018 (Case no. 446 (M-175) 17, decision no. 21/18), the Audiencia Provincial de Alicante (Alicante provincial court) decided that the use of the RTL media group’s broadcast signals in hotel rooms by the Spanish hotel group NH was illegal. The dispute concerned the provision of access to RTL channels in the rooms at various hotels operated by the companies NH Hoteles Group S.A. and NH Hoteles España S.A. (hereafter ‘NH’), which the plaintiffs, RTL Television GmbH and RTL Disney Fernsehen GmbH & Co. KG (hereafter ‘RTL’), considered unlawful. In its first-instance decision...

IRIS 2018-10:1/3 Court of Justice of the European Union: Judgment on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector

On 2 October 2018, the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered a judgment in the Ministerio Fiscal case (C-207/16) concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector. This judgment concerned the interpretation of Article 15(1) of Directive 2002/58/EC (the e-Privacy Directive) - which allows member states to introduce exceptions to the principles of the confidentiality of personal data - read in light of Articles 7 (respect for private life) and 8 (protection of personal data) of the Charter of Fundamental...