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IRIS 2019-2:1/2 Court of Justice of the European Union: German broadcasting contribution confirmed

In a judgment of 13 December 2018 (case C-492/17), the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) confirmed the broadcasting contribution used to finance public broadcasting in Germany. In the decision, the CJEU stated that the alteration to the criterion on which the contribution was based, introduced in Germany through the Rundfunkbeitragsstaatsvertrag (Inter-State Agreement on the Broadcasting Contribution - RBStV) in 2013, does not constitute an alteration to existing aid within the meaning of Article 1(c) of Council Regulation (EC) No. 659/1999, which should be notified to the Commission...

IRIS 2019-1:1/14 [DE] Media authorities publish guidelines on labelling of influencer marketing

At the #watchdog18 social media conference, the German Landesmedienanstalten (regional media authorities) presented a new “labelling matrix” for advertising in social media. The matrix contains recommendations for providers of content on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, for example, but also covers platforms such as Twitch and Pinterest for the first time. The guidelines, which were designed to provide practical advice in the field of influencer marketing, were introduced following an increase in infringements and court procedures linked to the inadequate labelling of advertising and product...

IRIS 2019-1:1/13 [DE] Berlin Administrative Court decides Bild live streams are not broadcasting

In a ruling of 18 October 2018 (case VG 27 L 364.18), the Verwaltungsgericht Berlin (Berlin Administrative Court - VG) upheld an emergency application from a publisher that sells the Bild newspaper and operates several Internet video services on the Bild website against a prohibition order issued by the Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg (Berlin-Brandenburg media authority - mabb), which is responsible for monitoring broadcasting in the region. After a summary examination of the factual and legal elements of the case, in which the publisher’s interest in suspending the order was weighed against the...

IRIS 2019-1:1/12 [DE] Federal Supreme Court decides that YouTube promotional channels and videos are not audiovisual media services

In a judgment of 13 September 2018 (I ZR 117/15), the Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Supreme Court - BGH) decided that neither a video channel operated for promotional purposes on the YouTube Internet platform nor a video available on that channel constitute an audiovisual media service in the sense of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD - 2010/13/EU). In the specific case heard by the BGH, this meant that a video advertising new cars on a YouTube promotional channel had to contain information on the vehicles’ official fuel consumption and CO² emissions because the relevant obligation in...

IRIS 2019-1:1/6 European Commission: Infringement proceedings concerning the transposition of the directive on the use of copyrighted printed material for blind and visually impaired people

On 26 November 2018, the EU Commission initiated proceedings for infringement of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union against 17 member states for non-compliance with the Directive requiring the transposition into national law of the Marrakesh Treaty (Directive (EU) 2017/1564) (see IRIS 2017-9/4 and IRIS 2016-9/4). The Marrakesh Treaty is a WIPO-administered convention that was signed on 27 June 2013 and entered into force on 30 September 2016, after the first 20 ratifications. The Treaty facilitates access to print works in formats adapted for persons who are blind, visually impaired...