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IRIS 2004-6:1/18 [DE] Private Commercial Stations Turn to Brussels Regarding Regional Broadcasting Windows

To ensure diversity of opinion, German television programme stations with full national coverage are obliged pursuant to article 25, section 4 of the Rundfunkstaatsvertrag (German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement, RStV) to broadcast so-called "window programmes" in conformity with provincial legal provisions. These time-limited programmes should be adapted in such a manner as to contain information directly related to the region concerned. Pursuant to article 25, section 2 of the RStV the broadcaster will be granted a bonus of 2% upon reaching legally-significant media concentration threshold...

IRIS 2004-6:1/17 [DE] New Telecommunications Act Adopted

Following the consent of the Bundestag (Federal Parliament), the Bundesrat (Federal Council) also assented to the bill amending the German Telecommunications Act (TKG). With this amendment, the new European legal framework regulating electronic communications has been implemented into German law. Through the stipulation of the principal objectives and the regulations of paragraph 2 the bill makes clear that the concerns of broadcasting stations are to be taken into account. The media legislation of federal provinces, which also includes the broadcasting act remain unaffected. The competent Regulatory...

IRIS 2004-6:1/16 [DE] Promoting the Act Prohibiting Unauthorised Photography

TheBundestag (Federal Parliament) has further promoted the initiative of the Bundesrat (Federal Council) on the protection of privacy against unauthorised photography (see IRIS 2003-10:13 and IRIS 2004-3: 6). On 29 April the Federal Parliament adopted a corresponding act amending the penal code with the votes of all parliamentary factions. The modification of the previous bill stipulates that certain non-indictable cases of socially inappropriate behaviour shall be excluded from criminal liability. This includes in particular cases when the offender does not positively know that disclosure of pictures...

IRIS 2004-6:1/15 [DE] Amendment to the Deutsche-Welle Act

On 24 March 2004, the Federal government accepted the bill on the amendment to the Deutsche Welle Act. The aim of this Act is to give a modern task profile to the public broadcasting station Deutsche Welle (DW), broadcasting radio programmes abroad. The primary objective is to present Germany abroad in its entire diversity and encourage understanding of and exchange between cultures and nations. The Act forbids any content-related standards in order to reinforce autonomy and journalistic independence. The new bill introduces a self-regulation system to enable DW to transparently discharge its stipulated...

IRIS 2004-6:1/14 [DE] Pornography on the Internet

The Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf (higher regional court of Düsseldorf, OLG) annulled the decision of the Landgericht Düsseldorf (regional court of Düsseldorf) dated February 17 2004 regarding legal requirements to be fulfilled to comply with protection of minors against the distribution of simple pornography on the Internet. The regional court of Düsseldorf decided in 2003 that it was sufficient to comply with requirements of on-line child protection by querying a personal ID number whose conclusiveness was verified by a computer program in connection with an offer subject to costs (see IRIS 20034:...