
[DE-FR] Films Co-Production Agreement between Germany and France

IRIS 2004-10:1/42

Britta Probol

European Audiovisual Observatory

On 17 May 2001 a Co-Production Agreement has been signed between Germany and France. It entered into force on 4 February 2002, replacing the Cinematographic Agreement of 5 December 1974 as well as the Agreement on the Promotion of Cinematographic Co-Production Projects of 5 February 1981. At the same time, both countries signed a new agreement on the Promotion of Cinematographic Co-Production Projects ("Mini-Traité") which entered into force on 23 November 2001.

The Cinematographic Agreement applies to all films, irrespective of their genre (feature, animation, documentary), length, or medium, receiving their premiere in a motion-picture theatre. Producers from third countries can join the co-production, if their country is linked to Germany or France by a films co-production agreement.

Financial contribution of a co-producer shall be at least 20%.

Full-length films (with a running-time of at least 79 minutes) may benefit from additional aid of up to 20% of the total production costs, according to the provisions of the Mini-Traité.

For further information contact:

- Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien - Referat K 35 (Angelegenheiten des Films; Film- und Videowirtschaft) -,9668/Kontakt.htm

- Centre national de la cinématographie - Direction financière et juridique


  • Films Co-Production Agreement between Germany and France, 05/2001

  • Agreement on the Promotion of Cinematographic Co-Production Projects ("Mini-Traité"), 11/2001

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.