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IRIS 2004-10:1/47 [DE-PT] Films Co-Production Agreement between Germany und Portugal

On 29 April 1988 a Co-Production Agreement has been signed between Germany and Portugal. It entered into force on 17 November 1989. The Agreement applies to films made by one or more German producers in conjunction with one or more Portuguese producers. Third country producers may join the co-production, if their country is linked to Germany or Portugal by a films co-production agreement. Financial contribution of a co-producer shall be at least 30% (in the case of multilateral co-productions or as an exception, 20% are the minimum). For further information contact: - Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung...

IRIS 2004-10:1/46 [DE-MK] Films Co-Production Agreement between Germany and Macedonia

On 23 February 1972, Germany and Yugoslavia had signed a Cinematographic Agreement, which entered into force on 24 February 1972, replacing the preceding agreement of 19 July 1957. In January 1994 Germany has agreed with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, as a successor state, to keep on applying the agreement and to maintain it in force. The Agreement applies to full-length films. Multilateral co-productions with producers from third countries being linked to Germany or Macedonia by a Co-Production Agreement are possible; Financial contribution of a co-producer shall generally be at least...

IRIS 2004-10:1/45 [DE-LU] Films Co-Production Agreement between Germany and Luxembourg

On 14 June 2002 a Co-Production Agreement has been signed between Germany and Luxembourg. It entered into force on 22 September 2003. The Agreement applies to theatrical films as well as to TV, video- and multimedia productions. Financial contribution of a co-producer shall be at least 20%. Multilateral co-productions are possible; here the minority participation must not be less than 10% and the majority participation must not exceed 70% of the total production cost. As an exception, a mere financial participation in a co-production can be approved. In such cases, financial participation must...

IRIS 2004-10:1/44 [DE-IT] Films Co-Production Agreement between Germany and Italy

On 23 September 1999 a Co-Production Agreement has been signed between Germany and Italy. It entered into force on 5 November 2002, replacing the preceding German-Italian agreement of 27 July 1966. The Agreement applies to cinematographic works irrespective of their length or medium, including feature films, animation and documentaries, made for premiere in a motion-picture theatre. Financial contribution of a co-producer shall be at least 20%. Multilateral co-productions are possible; here the minority participation must not be less than 10% and the majority participation must not exceed 70% of...

IRIS 2004-10:1/43 [DE-GB] Films Co-Production Agreement between United Kingdom and Germany

On 30 January 1975 a Co-Production Agreement has been signed between the United Kingdom and Germany. It entered into force on 24 April 1975. A new Agreement is being discussed (summer 2004). The Agreement applies to full length films with a running time of not less than 79 minutes, made by one or more German producers together with one or more British producers. Financial contribution of a co-producer must be at least 30%. For further information contact: - Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien - Referat K 35 / K 36 (Angelegenheiten des Films; Film- und Videowirtschaft) -,9668/Kontakt.htm...