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IRIS 2005-6:1/23 [DE] Youth Protection Commission Publishes Activity Report

Two years after it was set up, the Kommission für Jugendschutz der Landesmedienanstalten (Youth Protection Commission of the regional media authorities - KJM) published an activity report at the beginning of April 2005. Since being established in 2003, the KJM has identified a total of 49 infringements of the provisions of the Jugendmedienschutz-Staatsvertrag (Inter-State Agreement on youth protection in the media - JMStV) in the programmes of private broadcasters. More than half of the 91 complaints it has dealt with have therefore been upheld. At present, the courts are examining the programme...

IRIS 2005-6:1/22 [DE] GSPWM and LMK Complain About Surreptitious Advertising on Private TV

The Landesmedienanstalten (regional media authorities) are currently investigating several alleged cases of surreptitious advertising by private TV broadcasters. After a meeting on 30 March 2005, the Gemeinsame Stelle Programm, Werbung und Medienkompetenz (Joint Body on Programming, Advertising and Media Competence - GSPWM) announced that it had found a number of infringements of current advertising rules by various TV broadcasters: SAT. 1, Vox, Super RTL, MTV and n-tv. For example, music channel MTV had excessively lauded a new games console. In a Vox programme, a particular brand of gravy thickeners...

IRIS 2005-6:1/21 [DE] Ring Tone Advertising Banned

At its meeting in Saarbrücken on 30 March 2005, the Gemeinsame Stelle Programm, Werbung und Medienkompetenz (Joint Body on Programming, Advertising and Media Competence - GSPWM) of the Landesmedienanstalten (regional media authorities) discussed the issue of advertising for mobile phone ring tone downloads on a private TV channel. The GSPWM recommended that the media authority responsible for the broadcaster concerned should take legal measures on account of a breach of advertising rules. The TV broadcaster advertises ring tones containing excerpts from the theme music of several of its programmes....

IRIS 2005-6:1/20 [DE] Ring Tone Adverts Under Scrutiny

According to a programme analysis currently being conducted on behalf of the Gemeinsame Stelle Programm, Werbung und Medienkompetenz (Joint Body on programming, advertising and media competence - GSPWM) of the Landesmedienanstalten (regional media authorities), ring tones are the subject of the overwhelming majority of advertisements broadcast by the four music channels in Germany. In some cases, more than 90% of airtime that can be used for advertising is devoted exclusively to this type of product. At its meeting of 16 March 2005, the Joint Body also concluded that two of the broadcasters had,...

IRIS 2005-6:1/19 [DE] Film Support Guidelines in Force

In April 2005, new film support guidelines laid down by the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government's representatives for culture and media) entered into force. The guidelines contain provisions on individual film support measures. For example, they introduce support for screenplay and project development for children's and youth films. The categories for the German Film Prize are also slightly amended, as well as other details concerning the award of the prize. The amendment brings the guidelines into line with the Filmförderungsgesetz (Film Support Act) of 1...