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IRIS 2021-8:1/17 [BG] CEM report on the snap parliamentary elections in July 2021

On 12 August 2021, Съвета за електронни медии (the Council for Electronic Media – CEM). published its Специализиран мониторинг на аудио- и аудио-визуално съдържание за парламентарния вот на 11.07.2021 г. (Specialized report of audio and audio-visual content for the parliamentary vote on 11July 2021 – the Report). In the Report, CEM presents the data and findings based on the specialised monitoring process of the activity of media service providers during the pre-election campaign. The main purpose of the monitoring process was to establish the way in which the providers of media...

IRIS 2021-6:1/1 [BG] Amendment to the Film Industry Act

The Bulgarian Film Industry Act was amended in March 2021 after a two and a half years into making. The main changes are that two new schemes are introduced for a first time in the film industry in Bulgaria – for support of TV series in the minimum amount of BGN 3 Million per year (EUR 1.5 M) and a new scheme for cash rebate with a total minimum amount per year of BGN 15 Million (EUR 7,5 M). The Law also provides the unprecedented raise of the state support for national cinema, which is the highest ever – BGN 25 Million per year as a minimum (EUR 12,5 M). The amendments to...

IRIS 2021-7:1/13 [BG] Court practice on the prohibition of surreptitious commercial communication

By Penalty Decree No. РД-10-2-15.01.2019 Съвет за електронни медии (the Council for Electronic Media - CEM) has imposed a sanction of the amount of BGN 3 000 on Българско национално радио (the Bulgarian National Radio – BNR) for violation of Article 75, paragraph 1, second sentence of the Закон за радиото и телевизията (the Radio and Television Act - RTA) for broadcasting a surreptitious commercial communication. The reason for this was a song performed by children within a children programme on the radio channel Радио София (Radio Sofia). What triggered the events is that the text of...

IRIS 2021-6:1/20 [BG] Mandatory requirements for video-sharing platform providers already in force in Bulgaria

On 22 December 2020 the Act for amendment and supplement to Закон за радиото и телевизията (the Radio and Television Act - RTA) was promulgated in Държавен вестник (State Gazette) and Directive (EU) 2018/1808 (AVMSD) was transposed in Bulgarian national law (see IRIS 2021-2/22). One of the main novelties concerns the regulation of video-sharing platform services and providers within the meaning of the AVMSD. The Съвет за електронни медии (the Council for Electronic Media - CEM) is now empowered to regulate all video-sharing platform providers (platform providers) which are operating under the...

IRIS 2021-6:1/21 [BG] The consolidation of local telecommunications and media market continues

The Dutch-based holding United Group continues the consolidation of the local market by closing a couple of new deals for the acquisition of some of the major regional telecom operators. This comes shortly after the January transaction approved by the competition watchdog for the acquisition of one of the leading media service providers Нова Броудкастинг Груп (Nova Broadcasting Group) (see IRIS 2021-3/19). By Decision № АКТ-402-15.04.2021 of Комисия за защита на конкуренцията (the Commission for Protection of Competition – CPC), the competition regulator approved the acquisition of the...