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IRIS 2011-4:1/13 [BG] The New Association of Cable Communication Operators (BACCO)

On 9 February 2011 an open meeting of the Council for the Protection of Intellectual Property under the presidency of the Ministry of Culture with representatives of the collective management societies and some associations of users of protected works took place. The topic of the meeting was the actual problem of cable re-transmission in Bulgaria. It is a well known fact that for many years cable operators in Bulgaria have not been paying any remuneration to the collecting societies for the re-transmission of phonograms and audio-visual works/films included in television programmes and are even...

IRIS 2011-4:1/12 [BG] Allocation of Digital and Analogue TV Frequencies

By Decision No. 615 dated 9 June 2009 the Communications Regulation Commission issued to Towercom Bulgaria EAD a permit for the use of two national multiplexes. A month later, on 9 July 2009, the Communications Regulation Commission issued a permit for the use of three national multiplexes to Hanu Pro Bulgaria EAD (Decision No. 674). Furthermore, on 14 July 2009, the Communications Regulation Commission announced that Hanu Pro Bulgaria EAD was the winner in the latest tender for a national multiplex, which would broadcast the programmes of the public service media (Decision No 749). Currently,...

IRIS 2011-3:1/9 [BG] Public Financing of the Bulgarian National Television in 2011

Pursuant to Art. 70, para. 1 of the Закон за радиото и телевизията (Radio and Television Act) the Bulgarian National Television shall prepare, perform and report on a separate budget. In addition, according to Art. 70, para. 3, item 3 of the Radio and Television Act, part of the budget of the Bulgarian National Television comes as a State subsidy. The subsidy from the State budget shall be used for the preparation, creation and broadcasting of national and regional programmes. According to Art. 8 of the Закон за държавния бюджет на Република България за 2011 г. (State Budget Act for 2011) the National...

IRIS 2011-2:1/12 [BG] Limitations to State Funding for the Film Industry

On 1 January 2011 new rules concerning the State funding for the Bulgarian film industry came into force. According to the amendments to Art. 17 of the Закон за филмовата индустрия (Film Industry Act), the subsidy for the National Film Centre - which is an Executive Agency of the Ministry of Culture (Изпълнителна агенция “Национален филмов център”, see IRIS 2004-6/103) - shall be granted only “if possible” and its annual rate shall be based on the sum of the average budgets for the previous year of “up to” 7 feature films, 14 feature-length documentaries and 160 minutes animation. These amendments...

IRIS 2011-2:1/11 [BG] Judgment on Conflict of Interest in the Media Sector

By its judgment No. 14555 dated 30 November 2010 the Supreme Administrative Court imposed a fine of BGN 1,000 on the Chairman of the Съвет за електронни медии (Council for Electronic Media - CEM) for not submitting in time a declaration under Art. 12, item 2 of the Prevention and Disclosure of Conflict of Interest Act (see IRIS 2010-10/17). Pursuant to Art. 24, para 1 of the Radio and Television Act, the chairperson was elected by the National Assembly on 1 April 2010 as a member of the CEM. He was elected as chairman of the CEM on 7 April 2010. He submitted to the National Assembly a declaration...