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IRIS 2014-2:1/6 [BG] Reduction of Public Television State Funding in 2014

The State budget subsidy for the national public service media provider, Bulgarian National Television (‘BNT’), has been reduced by nearly BGN 5 million (EUR 2.5 million) for 2014 as compared to 2013 figures. In 2014, BNT shall receive BGN 65.15 million from the State as compared to the sum of BGN 70.13 million in 2013. Under point 3 of Article 70 (3) of the Radio and Television Act (‘RTA’) the budget of the public television is funded by means of a State budget subsidy. The Members of the Bulgarian Parliament have passed in plenary session the reduced amount of the BNT State funding notwithstanding...

IRIS 2014-1:1/11 [BG] Declaration of the Media Regulatory Body Regarding the Coverage of Refugees Issue in the National Electronic Mass Media

At its regular meeting on 5 November 2013, the Council for Electronic Media (CEM) have discussed the results of its focused monitoring of the electronic mass media coverage of the reception of refugees in the country. In general, there is timely, versatile and professional provision of information with regard to the refugees issue for the benefit of the audience; however isolated cases of hate speech and of the use of illegal and morally questionable qualifications have been detected such as the use of the words “cannibals”, “mob”, “despicable primates”, etc. Besides undertaking all the necessary...

IRIS 2014-1:1/10 [BG] The Constitutional Court Annulled the Lustration Provisions in the Radio and Television Act

Through its Decision No 8 of 11 October 2013 in constitutional case No 6 of 2013 the Constitutional court of the Republic of Bulgaria has declared that Article 26, point 3 and Article 59 (2), point 3 of the Radio and Television Act are unconstitutional and incompatible with the international treaties to which Bulgaria is a party. The proceedings were instituted on 16 January 2013 on an initiative from 57 Members of the 41st National Assembly (i.e. the previous composition of the National Assembly). In the petition instituting proceedings it is alleged that the contested dispositions of Article...

IRIS 2013-10:1/11 [BG] Reports on the Activity of the Council for Electronic Media in 2012

On 12 September 2013, the National Assembly adopted two decisions for information purposes regarding two reports of the Council for Electronic Media (CEM), which cover the period from 1 January 2012 to 30 June 2012 and the period from 1 July 2012 to 31 December 2012 respectively. The CEM is obliged under the provisions of Article 86(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria and Article 39(1) of the Radio and Television Act to submit to the National Assembly a report on its activity for the first half of each current year not later than 31 October in the same year and for the second half...

IRIS 2013-9:1/26 [BG] End of the Analogue Television Broadcasting

On 30 September 2013, the analogue broadcasting of television signals was terminated in Bulgaria. The simultaneous emission of analogue and digital signals, which has lasted for a six months period, has thus been brought to an end. A network has been established for the broadcasting of public television programme services - BNT1, BNT2 and BNT HD -, which reaches 96.2 % of the country’s population. Another two networks have been established for the broadcasting of the commercial television programme services. The first of these networks, which reaches 96.2 % of the country’s population, is used...