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IRIS 2020-10:1/14 [SI] Government plans “super regulator” merging AKOS with five other regulatory agencies

On 1 October 2020, the Slovenian Government wrote to eight regulatory agencies informing them of its intention to enact legislation which will result in the formation of two super agencies. One merger involves joining together the Agency for Communication Networks and Services (AKOS) with five other regulators. AKOS currently regulates and supervises the electronic communications market, the radio frequency spectrum in Slovenia, radio and television activities, and the postal and railway services markets in Slovenia. The new law will now join AKOS with the Energy Agency, the Agency for the...

IRIS 2020-9:1/12 [SI] Slovenia’s draft AVMS law introduces obligations to invest in European works

In addition to the draft media laws published by the Slovenian Ministry of Culture in July (see IRIS 2020-8/21), the Ministry also published a draft proposal for amending the Law on Audiovisual Media Services on 6 July. A first consultation closed in August, and the Ministry of Culture has redrafted sections of the law and extended the consultation on the draft until 2 October 2020. The purpose of the draft amendments is to transpose the Audiovisual Media Services Directive. For the most part, the law directly reflects the AVMS Directive. During the first consultation period, several issues were...

IRIS 2020-8:1/21 [SI] The government proposes changes to a range of media legislation

On 9 July 2020, the Slovenian Ministry of Culture published draft amendments to three pieces of legislation: the Slovenia Radio and Television Act, the Mass Media Act and the Slovenia Press Agency Act. These draft laws need to be considered as a package as they are connected in terms of some of the changes to clauses. The drafts were published for consultation and the time allowed was five days (to 15 July), which led to widespread criticism, as this did not follow the normal legal procedure as regards the time allowed for consultation. A statement criticising the limits to public consultation...

IRIS 2019-10:1/24 [SI] Ministry of Culture carries out a consultation on a new draft media law

In June 2019, the Slovenian Ministry of Culture published a draft media law for consultation. The consultation concluded at the end of August and the responses are currently under review by the ministry.  The Slovenian media sector is governed by several pieces of legislation and a range of secondary statutes and decisions. The main legislation includes: the Media Law of 2001 (last amended on 3 June 2016, the last major update being in 2006); the Law on Radio Television Slovenia of 2005 (last amended on 5 February 2014); the Audiovisual Media Services Act of 2011 (last amended on 6 November 2015);...

IRIS 2019-1:1/6 European Commission: Infringement proceedings concerning the transposition of the directive on the use of copyrighted printed material for blind and visually impaired people

On 26 November 2018, the EU Commission initiated proceedings for infringement of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union against 17 member states for non-compliance with the Directive requiring the transposition into national law of the Marrakesh Treaty (Directive (EU) 2017/1564) (see IRIS 2017-9/4 and IRIS 2016-9/4). The Marrakesh Treaty is a WIPO-administered convention that was signed on 27 June 2013 and entered into force on 30 September 2016, after the first 20 ratifications. The Treaty facilitates access to print works in formats adapted for persons who are blind, visually impaired...