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IRIS 2011-9:1/31 [RO] CNA Sanctions for Breaching the Electoral Campaigns Rules

The Consiliul Naţional al Audiovizualului (National Council for Electronic Media - CNA) imposed public warnings on two local commercial Romanian TV stations for breaches of the Audiovisual Code - Decizia nr. 220/2011 privind Codul de reglementare a conţinutului audiovizual, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare (Decision no. 220/2011 regarding the regulation of audiovisual content, with further modifications and completions) and Decizia nr. 210/2010 privind principii şi reguli de desfăşurare a campaniei electorale pentru alegerile parţiale parlamentare, prin intermediul serviciilor de programe...

IRIS 2011-9:1/1 European Court of Human Rights: Sipoş v. Romania

In a remarkable judgment the European Court of Human Rights has come to the conclusion that Romania breached the right of privacy of a journalist when the Romanian courts acquitted the director and the coordinator of the press office of the Romanian Television Company (SRTV) in criminal defamation and insult proceedings. At the heart of the case lies a press release published by the management of the Romanian State TV channel, after removing the applicant, Ms. Maria Sipoş, from a programme that she produced and presented on the National State channel România 1. Following her replacement...

IRIS 2011-8:1/9 European Commission: Letters of Formal Notice on the Implementation of the Telecoms Package

On 19 July 2011 the European Commission sent requests for information in the form of letters of formal notice, the first step in the process of an EU infringement procedure, to 20 EU member states. The member states in question, namely Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain, have not yet notified to the Commission measures to implement the new EU Telecoms Package, formally adopted after two years of heated negotiations at the end of 2009...

IRIS 2011-7:1/39 [RO] Conditions for Non-commercial Campaigns

On 3 May 2011 the Consiliul Naţional al Audiovizualului (National Council for Electronic Media - CNA) issued Instruction No. 1 concerning the broadcasting of non-commercial messages. The Audiovisual Code (see IRIS 2010-9/34, IRIS 2011-4/31 and IRIS 2011-5/38), adopted by CNA-Decision no. 220/2011, allows in Section 10 the broadcasting of non-commercial messages, which are not included in the legal maximum time of advertising (8 minutes/hour for public stations, 12 minutes/hour for commercial stations). This exclusion from the advertising time applies only to three categories of messages mentioned...

IRIS 2011-7:1/38 [RO] Film Dubbing Draft Law Rejected

On 7 June 2011 the Chamber of Deputies, the lower Chamber of Romania's Parliament, rejected a draft law for dubbing films instead of subtitling them, with five votes for the project, ten abstentions and 277 votes against the draft. The final decision will be taken by the upper chamber, the Senate On 3 May 2011 an opposition member of the Chamber of Deputies had registered a draft law to modify the Legea Audiovizualului nr. 504/2002 in the sense of dubbing films instead of subtitling them, as it is happening now. The initiator of the law, a well-known Romanian folk singer, argued that dubbing of...