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IRIS 1995-8:1/16 EFTA Court: Advertising Freedom Acknowledged

In its advisory opinion of 16 June 1995, the EFTA Court has ruled that the «Television without Frontiers» directive (89/552/EEC of 3 October 1989) - which is integrated into the EEA Agreement - must be interpreted as precluding a general prohibition imposed on an advertiser, whereby he is prevented from showing an advertisement contained in a television programme of a broadcaster established in another EEA State. The prejudicial question to the EFTA Court arose as a result of a disagreement between the Norwegian Consumer Ombudsman and the Norwegian subsidiary companies of Mattel and Lego. The toy-manufacturers...

IRIS 1995-5:1/23 [NO] Action Against Violence in the Media

The Norwegian Government has recently launched an action plan against violence shown in the media. The plan has a dual approach, focussing on the one hand on stricter regulations and on the other hand on information and education. Four Conferences on the issue took place in Oslo, Kristianstad, Tromsö and Trondheim in the beginning of May. Two others will take place at the end of September in Stavanger and Bergen. The action plan is a joint initiative of the Ministries of Culture and the Ministry of Justice, assisted by the Ministry of Children and Families and the Ministry of Education. The State...

IRIS 1995-2:1/31 [NO] Action against Pornographic Broadcasts

The Mass Media Authority of Norway has taken action against the Swedish film channel FilmMax. The channel, owned by TV1000 Sverige AB, is transmitting films which, according to Norwegian law, are of a pornographic nature and for that reason illegal. According to Norwegian broadcasting law, the Mass Media Authority can ban the distribution by Norwegian cable networks of programmes containing pornography in defiance of Norwegian law. In this particular case, illegal pornographic programmes were transmitted several times every week. The Mass Media Authority informed the cable and broadcasting companies,...

IRIS 1995-1:1/7 EEA: Joint Committee Amends Audiovisual Services Annex to EEA Agreement

On 2 December 1994, the EEA Joint Committee decided to amend Annex X to the EEA Agreement, the Annex dealing with audio-visual services. After point 1 (Council Directive 89/552/EEC) of the Annex, is added: "ACTS OF WHICH THE CONTRACTING PARTIES SHALL TAKE NOTE The Contracting Parties take note of the contents of the following acts: 2. 394 Y 0702(02): Council resolution 94/C 181/02 of 27 June 1994 on a framework for Community policy on digital video broadcasting (OJ No C 181, 2.7.1994, p.3)."

IRIS 1995-1:1/6 EEA: Joint Parliamentary Committee on Trans-European Networks

In a series of Recommendations the Joint Parliamentary Committee of the European Economic Area expresses that, in principle, it supports the report on Europe and the global information society, presented by the Bangemann Group and calls for the establishment of a European authority in telecommunications, information and audio-visual services. Furthermore, the Committee urges the EEA Parties to establish a common regulatory framework for the protection of intellectual property rights, privacy and security of information and suggests the creation of regional investment funds for the audio-visual...