
[FR] Experiments in Television for Mobile Phones

IRIS 2005-9:1/19

Philie Marcangelo-Leos


On 13 September 2005 the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (French audiovisual regulatory body - CSA) authorised four experiments in mobile television in the Paris area for periods of between six and nine months. Under this scheme, four consortiums, coordinated by TDF, TPS, Canal Plus, and TF1 and VDL, have been authorised to broadcast radio and television programmes already covered by agreements with the CSA. All new programmes must first be approved by the regulatory authority, which will also take a quarterly look at progress in the experiments. The technologies used - DVB-H and T-DMB - will be broadcast on digital channels. Mr Daniel Boudet de Montplaisir has also given the Prime Minister a report on television directed at mobile phones, which suggests the commercial launching of mobile television sometime between the end of 2006 and 2008 and advocates the launching of experiments to gain a better idea of consumption modes, technological aspects, and also economic and legal aspects. In a press release on 26 August 2005 the Prime Minister indicated that he would encourage these experiments so that mobile television could be developed for a broad public. A number of working parties could be set up on technologies and frequencies with a view to submitting conclusions in the course of 2006. Stressing the need to define a suitable legal framework once the experiments are completed, the rapporteur proposes a number of directions. Whatever option is adopted, it will be necessary for the conditions for authorisation to preserve the fundamental balances in the market for mobile phones, among service editors, and in broadcasting.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.