
[DE] Culture Minister Proposes New Film Policy

IRIS 2002-1:1/22

Caroline Hilger


On 14 November 2001, the Minister of State and Federal Government Commissioner for Cultural and Media Affairs presented a new film policy. He intends to reform film production aid and to ensure that German films are classified as cultural assets. This should help German films to attain a bigger market share in Germany and Europe and ensure that more German films are featured at international festivals.

The main points of the proposed policy can be divided into five sections. Incentives for the economic success of film productions (section 1), the legal framework for artistic creativity (section 2) and the distribution of German films abroad (section 3) should all be strengthened and improved. In addition, independent film producers should be given a more prominent role as key players in the film industry (section 4) and the cultural value of German and European films in general should be more widely recognised (section 5). Practical suggestions include, for example, as far as screenplays are concerned, a mentoring system and a new type of initial aid. However, this reform of film policy is merely a proposal, to be discussed in greater detail with players in the film industry in preparation for the amended Filmförderungsgesetz (Film Production Aid Act), which is due to be adopted in 2003.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.