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IRIS 2020-3:1/2 [RO] 2020-2021 Aid schemes for film industry

The Romanian Government has allocated EUR 1.58 million to four de minimis aid schemes in the field of cinema. On 20 January 2020, the government approved a memorandum extending the validity of the de minimis aid schemes, which are administered by the Centrul Naţional al Cinematografiei (National Cinematography Center – CNC) (see IRIS 2004-2/35, IRIS 2011-2/5 and IRIS 2018-2/29). The memorandum includes a de minimis aid scheme for participation in domestic and international film festivals and fairs; a de minimis aid scheme for the distribution and exploitation of Romanian films of all kinds;...

IRIS 2020-2:1/28 Modification of Romania’s Copyright Law

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis promulgated on 9 January 2020 the Law for the modification and completion of Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights (Legea nr. 8/1996 privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe). The new Law no. 8/2020 was published in the Official Journal of Romania no. 14/2020, part I (see, inter alia, IRIS 2006-8/27, IRIS 2012-4/38, IRIS 2015-5/30, IRIS 2015-7/27, and IRIS 2015-8/28). The draft Law had been adopted by the Romanian Senate (the Upper Chamber of the Parliament) on 18 February 2019 and by the Chamber of Deputies (the Lower Chamber) on 11 December 2019. A...

IRIS 2020-1:1/19 National Radio Day established by Romanian Parliament

On 27 November 2019 Romania’s Chamber of Deputies (Camera Deputaţilor – the lower chamber of the Romanian Parliament) adopted the draft of a law establishing 1 November as “National Radio Day”. The draft Law was tabled by 55 Social Democrat and non-affiliated senators. The document was tacitly adopted by the Senate (the upper chamber of the Parliament) on 6 March 2019. The law contains the following provisions: Art. 1. – 1 November is established as National Radio Day. Art. 2. – The national and local administrative authorities may organise cultural/scientific...

IRIS 2019-9:1/22 [RO] Audiovisual rules for the 2019 Presidential elections

On 3 September 2019, the Consiliul Naţional al Audiovizualului (National Audiovisual Council - CNA) adopted Decision No. 781/2019 with regard to the rules which apply to the audiovisual electoral campaign for the election of the President of Romania in 2019 (see, inter alia, IRIS 2009-10/24 and IRIS 2014-10/30). The elections will be held on 10 November 2019 (first round) and on 24 November 2019 (second round). As a first, the elections abroad, for Romanians living outside the country, will last 3 days for each round (8-10 November and 22-24 November, respectively). The audiovisual electoral campaign...

IRIS 2019-8:1/35 [RO] National Audiovisual Council - focus on very sensitive cases

The Consiliul Naţional al Audiovizualului (National Audiovisual Council, CNA) focused on very sensitive cases which have been covered intensively by the mass media over the last few months. The CNA issues sanctions or warnings (see IRIS 2010-8/42, IRIS 2011-1/44, IRIS 2012-1/39, IRIS 2012-4/36, ans IRIS 2017-6/27). On 29 July 2019, the National Audiovisual Council called onbroadcasters to act in a decent and responsible manner in the case of crimes in Caracal, southern Romania, and to respect fundamental human rights and freedoms, the protection of human dignity and the right to one's own image,...