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IRIS 2018-7:1/28 [RO] Results of the public consultation on the allotment of radio spectrum for terrestrial digital broadcasting

The Autoritatea Naţională pentru Administrare şi Reglementare în Comunicaţii (National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications, ANCOM) has published the results of a questionnaire on spectrum allotment for terrestrial digital broadcast multiplexes, which was issued in March 2018 (see, inter alia, IRIS 2009-9/26, IRIS 2010-3/34, IRIS 2010-9/35, IRIS 2012-8/34, IRIS 2013-6/30, IRIS 2014-4/26, IRIS 2014-5/29, IRIS 2014-9/27, IRIS 2015-5/33, IRIS 2015-7/28, IRIS 2016-2/26, IRIS 2017-1/29, IRIS 2017-4/32, IRIS 2018-5/29). Following the consultation with the electronic communications...

IRIS 2018-7:1/27 [RO] The PBS’ Law, back to the Parliament

On 3 May 2018, the Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis, sent the Act for amending and completing Law No. 41/1994 on the organisation and functioning of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Society and the Romanian Television Society (see, inter alia, IRIS 2013-5/37, IRIS 2013-10/36, IRIS 2014-1/38, IRIS 2014-2/30, IRIS 2014-4/25, IRIS 2014-6/30, IRIS 2014-7/30, IRIS 2015-6/33, IRIS 2015-8/26, IRIS 2016-5/28, IRIS 2017-3/26, IRIS 2017-8/31, IRIS 2017-10/31, IRIS 2018-1/35 and IRIS 2018-2/30) to Parliament for review. The draft Law had previously been adopted by the Romanian Senate (the upper chamber)...

IRIS 2018-6:1/31 [RO] Joint Statement on Correct and Objective Public Information and Respect for the Rights of National Minorities

The members of the National Audiovisual Council (Consiliul Naţional al Audiovizualului ‒ CNA) and the representatives of the broadcasters of Romania met and issued on 23 January 2018 a Joint Statement on Correct and Objective Public Information and Respect for the Rights of National Minorities (see, inter alia, IRIS 2017-4/31 and IRIS 2017-6/27). The Statement was triggered by the fact that in 2018 Romania celebrates 100 years since the territories inhabited predominantly by Romanians united in a national state ‒ causing historical disputes with neighboring states and some national minorities ‒...

IRIS 2018-6:1/30 [RO] Initiatives to modify the Audiovisual Law

More initiatives to modify the Audiovisual Law no. 504/2002 with further modifications and completions were or are discussed in the Romanian Parliament (see inter alia IRIS 2013-3/26, IRIS 2014-1/37, IRIS 2014-7 /29, IRIS 2014-9/26, IRIS 2015-10/27, IRIS 2016-2/26, IRIS 2016-10/24, IRIS 2017-1/30, IRIS 2017-7/28). The Romanian Senate (upper chamber of the Parliament) rejected on 19 February 2018 a proposed combined modification of the Law no. 148 of July 26, 2000, regarding the advertising and of the Law no. 504/2002 on the audiovisual. The decision of the Senate was final. The draft law had been...

IRIS 2018-6:1/29 [RO] The Law on public service broadcasting back to Parliament

The Romanian Senate (the Upper Chamber of the Parliament) passed on 3 April 2018 the Law amending Article 19 the Law no. 41/1994 on the organisation and functioning of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Society and the Romanian Television Society, the public broadcasters (see, inter alia, IRIS 2013-5/37, IRIS 2013-10/36, IRIS 2014-1/38, IRIS 2014-2/30, IRIS 2014-4/25, IRIS 2014-6/30, IRIS 2014-7/30, IRIS 2015-6/33, IRIS 2015-8/26, IRIS 2016-5/28, IRIS 2017-3/26, IRIS 2017-8/31, IRIS 2017-10/31, IRIS 2018-1/35 and IRIS 2018-2/30). The decision of the Senate was final. The Lower Chamber (the Chamber...