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IRIS 2000-3:1/17 [IT] The Italian Parliament Allows Political and Electoral Advertisements

On 22 February 2000 the Italian Parliament finally reached an agreement and approved new provisions on access to the mass media with regard to political and electoral communication (Disposizioni per la parità di accesso ai mezzi di informazione durante le campagne elettorali e referendarie e per la comunicazione politica, Legge of 22 February 2000, no. 28, in Gazzetta Ufficiale 2000, 43). The scope of the Act, as defined in Article 1, ranges from political information to electoral campaigns and replaces several provisions laid down by the Elections Act (Disciplina delle campagne elettorali per...

IRIS 2000-2:1/12 [IT] Renewal of Concessions for Local Television Broadcasting

On 14 January 2000, the Italian Parliament converted into law the decree-law no. 433 of 18 November 1999 containing urgent provisions on local radio and television broadcasting (Gazz. Uff. no. 1999/273). Article one postpones the deadlines for concessions already granted to local television broadcasters according to law no. 78/99 (see IRIS 1999-4: 8) until their renewal under the new frequency plan (see IRIS 1998-10: 2 and IRIS 1999-8: 8) and in any event not later than 31 January 2001. Applications must be made before 30 June 2000. Article two of the Act defines the relevant areas for local broadcasting...

IRIS 2000-1:1/24 [IT] Criteria for Identifying Italian Audiovisual Works within the Framework of Co-Production Treaties

Pursuant to Article 2(2) of the Television Advertising Act of 30 April 1998, no. 122 (Differimento di termini previsti dalla legge 31 luglio 1997, n. 249, relativi all'Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni, nonché norme in materia di programmazione e di interruzioni pubblicitarie televisive, Gazzetta Ufficiale 1998, 99, see IRIS 1998-6: 8), implementing chapter 4 of the "Television without Frontiers" Directive, the Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali (Ministry of Cultural Affairs) fixed the minimum requirements for the identification of Italian audiovisual works within the framework...

IRIS 2000-1:1/20 [IT] Amendment of Football League Regulations

Following a strong debate on the regulations approved by the Italian Football League last August, concerning interviews and reports broadcast on radio and television for the 1999/2000 football season (Regulations of the Lega Nazionale Professionisti of 5 August 1999, see IRIS 1999-9: 14), on 29 November 1999 the League reached an agreement with the main Italian TV and radio associations, the Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (Italian Communications Authority) acting as a mediator, in order to amend some of the provisions. The most relevant amendments concerning radio broadcasting (Regolamento...

IRIS 2000-1:1/19 [IT] Application of EC Rules on the Transmission of Advertising

In its judgement of 23 December 1999 the Tribunal of Rome rejected a complaint lodged by the public broadcaster RAI against the private competitor RTI for violation of the EC and national rules on the transmission of advertising. In its complaint, RAI accused RTI of "unfair competition" since some practices followed by RTI in the transmission of advertising on its three channels were considered to be in violation of the rules included in the "Television without Frontiers" Directive and of the national rules implementing it. In particular, RAI alleged that RTI does not observe the norms concerning...