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IRIS 2005-4:1/21 [IT] Agreement between the Italian Government and ISPs

On 2 March 2005 the Italian Government signed a document of understanding containing specific guidelines aimed at enhancing the control of digital contents by redefining the tasks and obligations of operators and providers. The agreement, called “ Patto di Sanremo ”, from the city hosting the meeting, was signed by different ministries (among others the Ministries of Industry, Justice, Foreign Affairs and Education) on one side, and access providers, platform operators, producers and right-owners on the other. The “ Patto ” is founded on the “Digital Rights Management-Information Report”, a report...

IRIS 2005-2:1/33 [IT] Chart of Services is Mandatory for the Provisions of Pay-TV Services

On 10 December 2004, the Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni (Italian Communications Authority ­ AGCOM) adopted the Guidelines on the provision of pay-tv services in accordance with article 1, paragraph 6, lit. b), n. 2, of the Communications Act no. 249/97, charging AGCOM with the power to determine the general quality standards of the services in the communications sector and the content of the Chart of services. According to these Guidelines, any operator offering pay-tv services on terrestrial or satellite frequencies or via cable, both on subscription as with pre-paid cards, has to...

IRIS 2005-1:1/45 [IT/MK] Agreement on Film Co-production between Italy and Macedonia

On 15 November 2002, the Republic of Italy and “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” signed a film co-production agreement. The aim of the agreement is to improve the basic conditions for film co-productions between the two countries, irrespective of whether a fiction, animated or documentary film is involved. The agreement is based on the idea that co-productions help to promote economic and cultural exchange. It provides for a number of measures aimed at facilitating co-operation on co-productions. For example, Article 2 lays down that all co-productions falling within its scope are to...

IRIS 2005-1:1/32 [IT] Report on Italian Television Market

On 16 November 2004, the Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato (Italian Competition Authority ­ AGCM) issued a report on the situation of the Italian television and advertising markets. The aim of the report was to monitor the functioning of the market during a transition phase towards digital terrestrial broadcasting, where some of the previously existing limitations to horizontal and diagonal concentrations have been eliminated by the recent law on broadcasting (see IRIS 2004-6: 12). Firstly, AGCM has monitored the commercial behaviour of advertising agencies, with particular reference...

IRIS 2005-1:1/31 [IT] Court of Milan Punishes Journalists

In its decision of 12 November 2004 the Court of Milan declared two Italian journalists guilty of defamation and insult . In an article the two journalists had accused the prime minister of Albania of being involved with international mafia clans. The article was published in 2002 in two Italian newspapers and had been republished in one Albanian newspaper. The Court decided that the journalists had to pay fines of EUR 200,000. It also decided that the daily newspapers in Italy and Albania that had (re-)published the article were obliged to print the Court Decision on the respective case in the...