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IRIS 2011-5:1/28 [IT] AGCOM Launches Public Consultations on Net Neutrality, and on Peer-to-Peer and VoIP

Net neutrality, and Peer-to-Peer and VoIP are priorities for the Italian authority, as stated in a recent press release. The first public consultation will be on the results of a survey into consumer protection and competition protection relating to the VOIP and Peer-to-Peer mobile services. After approval of the final version the public consultation was launched. The study of VOIP and P2P had the aim of analysing the new challenges of the mobile sector from a broad perspective, the changes in the market, the legal and economic aspects, and the technical implications. The purpose was to receive...

IRIS 2011-5:1/5 European Commission: The Commission Finishes the Preliminary Analysis of AVMS Implementation Measures

The European Commission has finished the preliminary analysis of the measures implementing the Audiovisual Media Services (AVMS) Directive into national law notified by 16 Member States: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Slovakia and the United Kingdom. Subsequently, the European Commission has sent fact-finding letters to these states inquiring about these implementing measures. The Commission is thus seeking to ensure that all provisions of the AVMS Directive have been correctly transposed into...

IRIS 2011-4:1/38 [IT] Related Rights of Performers - Reestablishment of the Collecting Society IMAIE

The collecting society IMAIE (Istituto mutualistico artisti interpreti esecutori) was re-established on 30th April 2010 by Decree-Law no. 64/2010 and converted into Law no. 100/2010. The new IMAIE took on the duties and functions of the former IMAIE on 14th July 2009, and its first duty was to distribute compensation to among the performers. Some employees from the former IMAIE have been transferred to the new IMAIE, and in April 2011, the new IMAIE launched its newly designed website with new contents. On 28th May 2009, the Prefect of the Province Rome confirmed by Decree that...

IRIS 2010-8:1/4 European Commission: Laggard Member States Urged to Implement AVMS Directive

On 24 June 2010, the European Commission issued a set of reasoned opinions to 12 member states (Austria, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Finland, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, and Slovenia) requesting that they proceed with updating their national broadcasting legislation in order to bring it into compliance with the Audiovisual Media Service (AVMS) Directive. The Directive, which replaced the Television without Frontiers Directive of 1989 (as amended), was adopted in December 1997 with the intention of bringing the EU’s broadcasting rules up to speed with the digital age. The...

IRIS 2010-6:1/35 [IT] The Italian Google Verdict

The Court of Milan has made public the decision in the criminal trial against four Google executives, charged of defamation and illegal personal data handling in relation to the publication on the video-sharing platform Google Video of a video containing an act of bullying against a person suffering from Down’s syndrome. The Court acquitted all the defendants on the charge of defamation, but found two managers and a former executive of Google Inc. liable for the illegal personal data handling. The case concerned a teenage boy with autism who was bullied by some classmates at a school in Turin in...