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IRIS 2019-8:1/31 [IT] Italian DPA issues EUR 1 million fines against Facebook over Cambridge Analytica scandal

On 14 June 2019 the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali(Italian Data Protection Authority – Garante) issued a EUR 1 million fine against Facebook Italy S.r.l. and Facebook Ireland (together “Facebook”) in relation to the Cambridge Analytica case. Specifically, the Garante took action following the news that Facebook had communicated its users’ personal data to Cambridge Analytica, a third company providing analytics services. The Garante found that the personal data of 57 Italian users (who downloaded the app “Thisisyourdigitallife”) had been unlawfully communicated to Cambridge Analytica....

IRIS 2019-8:1/30 [IT] Dailymotion not protected by the E-Commerce Directive

With a landmark decision published on 12 July 2019, the Court of Rome found Dailymotion SA (Dailymotion) liable for copyright infringement against Reti Televisive Italiane S.p.A. (RTI) and condemned it to pay EUR 5.5 million in compensation for damages. The judges also ordered Dailymotion to (i) remove from its services all RTI’s audiovisual content examined during the proceedings; (ii) abstain from further exploiting for commercial purposes the same audiovisual content; (iii) pay EUR 5 000 for any future infringements; and (iv) pay the legal fees and expenses. In addition, RTI has been authorised...

IRIS 2019-7:1/21 [IT] AGCOM sets forth new guidelines defining the restrictions on gambling and betting advertisements

On 18 April 2019, through Resolution No. 132/19/CONS, the Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM) issued guidelines (Guidelines) to implement the provisions of Article 9 of the so-called Dignity Decree (“Decreto Dignità”, Decree Law No. 87/2018). The Guidelines aim at achieving a high degree of consumer protection, with particular emphasis on “vulnerable” categories (gambling addicts, minors and seniors) by ensuring the transparency of conditions and services offered in order to promote an educated gaming choice. Consumer protection is also ensured by using the recognisable logos of the Customs...

IRIS 2019-6:1/18 [IT] New guidelines concerning the processing of personal data for purposes of electoral propaganda and political communication

On 18 April 2019, the Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante per la protezione dei dati personali, Garante) issued the Resolution on Electoral Propaganda and Political Communication. The Resolution, in view of the imminent 2019 European elections, provides rules that data controllers (including political parties, organizations, promoters’ and supporters’ committees as well as candidates) shall follow when processing personal data for electoral propaganda or political communication purposes. Firstly, the Resolution clarifies the point at which data controllers must obtain data subjects’ consent...

IRIS 2019-6:1/17 [IT] AGCOM sets forth criteria for the categorization of audiovisual works delivered via the Internet and video-games for the protection of minors

On 6 March 2019, the Italian Communication Authority (AGCOM) adopted resolution no. 74/19/CONS, by which, in accordance with Law no. 220/2016 (so-called Franceschini Law), it established the criteria to categorize audiovisual works delivered via the Internet and video-games in order to protect minors from inappropriate content. The notion of audiovisual content delivered via the Internet includes all the works that are primarily distributed via electronic communication services and networks. Video-games are defined as interactive multimedia works having recreational nature that users can enjoy...