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IRIS 2021-1:1/22 [IT] New proposal to reform the governance of the Italian public service broadcaster

On 15 October 2020, Andrea Orlando, a member of the Chamber of Deputies and former Minister of Justice, introduced to Parliament a new bill (No. 2723) which aims to amend the parts of the Audiovisual Media Services Code (Legislative Decree No. 177 of 31 July 2005) which regulate Italian public service broadcasting (namely RAI). The proposed measures are intended to reform specifically the governance of the public service broadcaster. The most important aspect of the reform lies with the introduction of an ad-hoc foundation: the Ministry of the Economy and Finance shall transfer to the newly-established...

IRIS 2021-1:1/18 [IT] First green light for the transposition of the AVMSD in Italy

On 29 October 2020, the Senate of the Italian Republic approved the text of the 2019 European Delegation Law, a legislative instrument by which the parliament delegates powers to the government to transpose EU directives into the Italian legal system. Following its approval by the other parliamentary chamber (the Camera), which is expected by the end of 2020, the text will become binding, leading the way for the long-awaited process of transposing the previous year's EU legislation. The 2019 European Delegation Law refers to 38 European directives, including Directive 2018/1808 (AVMSD). Article...

IRIS 2020-10:1/3 [IT] Parliament considers establishing an ad-hoc parliamentary committee of inquiry on the massive dissemination of fake news

The Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Senate of the Italian Republic is currently discussing a bill (No. 1900) aimed at establishing a parliamentary committee of inquiry to investigate the problem of disinformation and, more precisely, the dissemination on a massive scale of fake news. It is well known that Italian lawmakers and regulators have already attempted to introduce some measures to counter the spread of disinformation on the Internet; however, none of the initiatives undertaken so far have reached the approval stage, triggering a lot of criticism (see IRIS Special on media coverage...

IRIS 2020-9:1/11 CJEU rules that the provision of Italian law constitutes a restriction on freedom of establishment and is contrary to EU law

On 3 September 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) - Case C‑719/18 - ruled that the provision of Article 43, paragraph 11 of the TUSMAR (Consolidated Law on Media Services) is contrary to EU law, constituting a restriction on freedom of establishment while not being suitable for achieving the objective of the protection of pluralism of information. According to the said provision, adopted in 2005, it is forbidden for any company whose revenues in the electronic communications sector (including those obtained through subsidiary or affiliated companies) exceed 40% of the overall...

IRIS 2020-8:1/16 [IT] Parliament strengthens parental control and filtering in electronic communications

By way of Law No. 70 of 25 June 2020, the Italian Parliament has introduced a new provision, namely Article 7-bis, into Law Decree No. 28/2020. The Italian Government adopted the aforesaid decree (also known as the ‘Justice Decree’, ‘Decreto Giustizia’) with a view to providing urgent measures concerning, among others, civil, criminal and administrative proceedings as well as the national contact tracing system, both related to the COVID-19 emergency. The introduction of Article 7-bis, entitled ‘Systems for the protection of minors from the risks of cyberspace’,...