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IRIS 2001-2:1/27 [IE] Conditional Access Directive Implemented

The Irish government has recently implemented the provisions of Directive 98/84/EC on the legal protection of services based on, or consisting of, conditional access. The Directive is aimed at approximating provisions in the Member States concerning measures against illicit devices that give unauthorised access to protected services. The Directive has been implemented into Irish law by means of Ministerial Regulations. For the purposes of the Regulations, "protected services" means: - television broadcasting (but does not include communication services such as telecopying or electronic banks,...

IRIS 2001-2:1/23 [IE] Film Industry

In December 2000, the Audiovisual Federation of IBEC (the Irish Employers' organisation) published its annual report for 1999. It concluded that the Irish film industry is in the doldrums and losing competitiveness against the British industry. Key recommendations of the 1999 Report on the Strategic Development of the Irish Film and Television Industry 2000-2010 (see IRIS 1999-8: 12), it said, had not yet been implemented. There was a significant increase in Irish expenditure on feature films and major television dramas but a fall in expenditure on independent television productions. A decrease...

IRIS 2000-9:1/27 [IE] Recent Developments in Electronic Commerce

In July 2000, Ireland enacted legislation dealing with electronic commerce (See IRIS 2000-8: 11). The Electronic Commerce Act 2000 is now in force and will form the basis for further participation by Ireland in the new regulatory framework for electronic communications and services proposed by the European Commission. The Irish telecommunications market was deregulated on 1 December 1998 (see IRIS 1999-3: 14), and the Minister for Public Enterprise has welcomed the European Commission’s proposal to “unbundle the local loop”, as it will provide an opportunity to increase competition and benefit...

IRIS 2000-8:1/28 [IE] Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000

After lengthy delays, the Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000 has finally been enacted. The delays were mainly due to the large number of proposed amendments to the draft legislation that was published in 1999 (See IRIS 1999-5: 11). The Act implements various recent EC Directives and anticipates forthcoming ones. It also fulfils Ireland's international obligations as a signatory of the TRIPs Agreement 1994 and the WIPO Treaties of 1996. It is a complex and comprehensive piece of legislation, being over 200 pages long. New provisions in the Act include rental and lending rights, and copyright...

IRIS 2000-8:1/23 [IE] Electronic Commerce Act 2000

New legislation on electronic commerce (See IRIS 2000-4: 13) was enacted in July 2000. Using a unique signing key and digital certificate, the President of Ireland digitally signed the new legislation into law. The Electronic Commerce Act 2000 is designed to make Ireland one of the first jurisdictions to have a formal set of laws regulating e-commerce. It is intended to transpose into Irish law the Electronic Signatures Directive 1999/93/EC, as well as certain articles of the draft Electronic Commerce Directive. Many sections of the new Act are based on the Model Law on Electronic Commerce published...