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IRIS 2014-7:1/26 [IE] Review of designated free-to-air sporting events

The Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources announced on 16 June 2014 that he intends to review the current list of sports and other events designated for coverage on free-to-air television. Submissions are invited from members of the public and interested parties on the current list of events and the possible designation of additional events. Section 162 of the Broadcasting Act 2009 provides that the Minister may, by order, designate events of major importance to society, coverage of which can be provided by free-to-air broadcasters in the public interest. Under the Act the Minister...

IRIS 2014-7:1/25 [IE] Draft television access rules launched

On 26 May 2014, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) launched a public consultation on Draft Revised Access Rules for Irish television broadcasters. The draft Rules will update the current Access Rules in place since 2005 and last reviewed in 2012 (IRIS 2012-7/28). The Rules determine the levels of subtitling (including captioning), sign language and audio description that broadcasters will be required to provide; they apply to certain broadcasters within the State but do not apply to broadcast services commonly received in Ireland but licensed in other jurisdictions. Section 41(3)(c) of...

IRIS 2014-5:1/24 [IE] Recent broadcasting complaints decisions

On 27 March 2014, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) released recent broadcasting complaints decisions. A total of ten complaints were considered in the period. At its meeting held in March 2014, the Compliance Committee considered and rejected nine complaints in respect of three programmes, with a further complaint being resolved by the Executive Complaint Forum at its February 2014 meeting. Under section 48 of the Broadcasting Act 2009, viewers and listeners can complain about broadcasting content that they believe is not in keeping with broadcasting codes and rules. Seven of the complaints...

IRIS 2014-5:1/23 [IE] New Broadcasting Guidelines on Election Coverage

On 10 March 2014, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) published BAI Guidelines in Respect of Coverage of Local and European Elections. The Guidelines set out the rules and approach that should be adopted by all Irish broadcasters when covering the forthcoming local and European elections. Polling for both elections is scheduled to take place on 23 May 2014. Rule 27 of the BAI Code of Fairness, Objectivity and Impartiality in News and Current Affairs provides that broadcasters must comply with Guidelines and Codes of practice on election and referenda coverage (see IRIS 2013-5/32). The Guidelines...

IRIS 2014-4:1/22 [IE] Internet Content Advisory Group Established

On 29 November 2013, the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources announced the establishment of an Internet Content Advisory Group. The Group consists of experts in the fields of child safety and online behaviour, as well as legal, technical and industry experts, and a student representative. It will consider emerging issues in the area of online content and its general impact on the lives of children and young people. The Group has been asked to comment on the July 2013 report of the Joint Oireachtas Committee (Irish Parliament Committee) titled ‘Addressing the Growth of Social...