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IRIS 2014-6:1/19 [FR] Presentation of Satirical Drawings on Television - the Limits of the Right to Exercise Humour

On 22 May 2014 the press chamber of the regional court of Paris delivered two judgments which illustrate the subtle appreciation of the right to exercise humour and the limits of freedom of speech on television. In the case at issue, Marine Le Pen, leader of the right-wing ‘Front National’ political party, had summoned both the director of publication of France Télévisions and the presenter of the weekly infotainment programme ‘On n’est pas couché’ to appear in court in respect of the presentation, in two separate broadcasts, of satirical drawings which the complainant found insulting. The first...

IRIS 2014-6:1/18 [FR] Preventing and Combating Counterfeiting On-Line - Report Advocates Four Operational Tools

Completely in line with the “Report on ways to combat streaming and illegal downloading” published by the HADOPI on 15 February 2013 and the conclusions of the Lescure report (see IRIS 2013-6/19), the Minister for Culture gave in July 2013 Ms Imbert-Quaretta, President of the HADOPI Committee for the Protection of Rights, the task of compiling a number of “operational tools for the effective involvement of the technical and financial intermediaries in preventing and combating commercial counterfeiting on-line”. The reports had highlighted the value of attempting to dry up the financial resources...

IRIS 2014-6:1/17 [FR] Regional Aid to the Cinema Under Threat?

On 3 April 2014, the administrative court in Lyon delivered a judgment which, beyond its local consequences, “threatens the entire system of aid to the cinema from the regions”, according to the President of the Rhône-Alpes Region. In the present case, a member of the Regional Council applied to the administrative court for cancellation of the Council’s decision renewing for 2011-2015 the Region’s subsidy to Rhône-Alpes Cinéma; its co-production structure. It is the leading regional structure providing aid to the cinema in France, with a catalogue of 220 titles including Tony Gatlif’s latest film,...

IRIS 2014-5:1/19 [FR] France calls for European Strategy on Culture

France’s Minister for Culture and Communication Aurélie Filippetti called a meeting of her European counterparts in Paris on 4 and 5 April, as part of the Chaillot Forum on the future of culture in Europe. France’s President François Hollande, European Parliament President Martin Schulz, European Commissioners Michel Barnier (Internal Market) and Androulla Vassiliou (Culture and Education), and UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova were also present for a working session. More than 1 200 participants - creators and intellectuals from Europe and further afield, public decision-makers and professionals...

IRIS 2014-5:1/18 [FR] CSA Annual Report lists 25 proposed amendments to legislation and regulations

The audiovisual regulatory body (Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel - CSA) published its annual report for 2013 on 14 April. Apart from a comprehensive panorama of the body’s activity in the past year, and as required by law, the report presents a set of proposals for amendments to legislation and regulations. 2013 saw the submission of a number of major reports (including the Lescure Report; see IRIS 2013-6/19), and the Government is preparing new legislation on content creation; this report therefore constitutes the CSA’s contribution to consideration of the future of audiovisual regulation....