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IRIS 2015-1:1/21 [FR] Changes in support for production of documentaries

The Centre National du Cinéma (national cinema centre - CNC) has announced changes in support of the production of documentaries (audiovisual support fund, COSIP), which has remained unchanged since 2004. In recent years, the CNC has substantially increased its support for such productions, which remain the leading audiovisual genre receiving support. The changes are the result of the consultation carried out in collaboration with professionals in the sector, which began in mid-2012 after the report entitled Le Documentaire dans Tous ses États had been submitted to the Minister for Culture. The...

IRIS 2015-1:1/20 [FR] New CSA deliberation on right to short excerpts of sport competitions

On 1 October the Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel (audiovisual regulatory authority - CSA) adopted a new deliberation reorganising the broadcasting of excerpts of sport events. According to Article L. 333-7 of the Sport Code, it is for the CSA to “lay down the conditions for broadcasting short excerpts [of sport competitions] after consulting the French National Olympic Committee and organisers of sport events referred to in Article L. 331-5”. In January 2013, the CSA adopted a deliberation laying down the conditions for broadcasting short excerpts of sport competitions and other events of major...

IRIS 2015-1:1/19 [FR] Conditions for copyright protection of a television programme

On 10 October the regional court in Paris delivered an interesting judgment which recalled how problematic it can be to have tv formats protected by copyright. In the case at issue, a man said he had sent an audiovisual production company two plans for broadcasts, the name and summary of which had been deposited with a copyright society online. When he discovered that a television channel had broadcast a programme entitled “On ne demande qu'à en rire” produced by the same production company, which he considered infringed his copyright in respect of the programme projects, he instigated court proceedings...

IRIS 2015-1:1/18 [FR] Court finds against virtually unaltered take-up of a legal case in a reality law TV programme

After a court decision under the urgent procedure early last year (see IRIS 2014-4/15), it was the turn of the regional court in Paris to deliberate on the merits of the Intime Conviction case. The dispute arose as a result of the broadcasting by channel “Arte”, in February 2014, of a cross-media programme entitled Intime Conviction. This consisted of three parts: a television film following the course of the investigation into the death of the wife of a forensic doctor, “Dr Villers”; a web series reconstituting the court proceedings against the doctor, including the deliberations, in video format;...

IRIS 2015-1:1/17 [FR] French IAPs ordered to block access to Pirate Bay sites

After Allostreaming in November 2013 (see IRIS 2014-1/23), it is the turn of the Pirate Bay constellation to be blocked by order of the regional court in Paris. SCPP, the company which collects and redistributes royalties for a catalogue covering more than 80% of the recognised rights held by the producers of phonograms, had produced proof that the Pirate Bay site was offering links to download phonograms in its repertoire. The phonograms at issue were both old and new and by artists of both French and other nationalities. Having had no success in asking the said site to delete the links at issue,...