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IRIS 2019-7:1/14 [FR] First urgent application to block dissemination of a tweet under the Act on combating the manipulation of information

For the first time, the Paris Regional Court has dealt with an urgent application aimed at blocking the dissemination of “fake news” during an election campaign in a procedure introduced under the Act on combating the manipulation of information of 22 December 2018. On 10 May 2019, an MEP and a Left Front senator filed a summons against Twitter under Article L. 163-2 of the Electoral Code, which was introduced under the above-mentioned Act. They requested that the platform be ordered to block the dissemination of the following tweet, which had been published on the French Interior Minister’s account...

IRIS 2019-7:1/13 [FR] Broadcast of a report on events covered by proceedings in the criminal courts - Conseil d’État upholds notice served by CSA on France Télévisions

In its “Envoyé Spécial” (“Special Envoy”) programme broadcast on France 2 on 14 December 2017, the national broadcaster, France Télévisions, broadcast a report entitled “Celles qui accusent” (“The Women who Accuse”) covering events denounced by two women who had worked at their local municipal offices, which had resulted in the mayor of the municipality, who was also a former government minister, being brought to court on criminal charges of rape. Two days before the broadcast, the events had been examined by the criminal court (cour d’assises) in Bobigny. The report focused on one of the two people...

IRIS 2019-7:1/2 Christchurch summit in Paris calls for stronger action against terrorist content online

Intermediaries and platforms such as Amazon, Facebook, Google and Twitter have joined forces with 17 national governments in an international effort to eliminate terrorist videos on the Internet. The “Christchurch Call to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content online”, issued by the participants in a summit held at the Elysee Palace on 15 May 2019, will result in the tightening of the rules on live streaming. The summit was convened as a direct consequence of the 17-minute Facebook live stream of the terrorist attack carried out in Christchurch, New Zealand on 15 March. The governments...

IRIS 2019-6:1/14 [FR] Combatting the manipulation of news - CSA adopts draft recommendation directed at platforms

The Act of 22 December 2018 on combatting the manipulation of news imposed a duty of cooperation on the principle on-line platform operators in a bid to combat the circulation of “fake news”. Under the Act, the national audiovisual regulatory authority (Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel - CSA) may make recommendations to operators with a view to aiding them in implementing specific actions aimed at promoting the circulation of reliable news and combatting fake news that is “likely to disturb public order or compromise the integrity of any poll”. Following a series of hearings involving representatives...

IRIS 2019-6:1/13 [FR] More relaxed rules for scheduling cinematographic works on television?

As part of plans to reform the audiovisual sector (whose implementation - initially scheduled to begin before the summer but now likely to be delayed in view of the need to “make room in the legislative calendar”), the Minister for Culture announced on 26 April the launch of a public consultation process regarding the possibility of relaxing the rules for broadcasting cinematographic works on television. The rules covered by the consultation are a product of Decree No. 90‑66 of 17 January 1990 (“the Broadcasting Decree”). This text limits total broadcasting time for cinematographic works - imposing...