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IRIS 1997-3:1/14 [FR] Conditions for protecting a plan for a television programme

An author who had unsuccessfully put forward an idea for a programme lodged with the SACD (French society of dramatic authors and composers) under the title Pour ou contre ("For or against") on TF1 complained that the presenter Christophe Dechavanne had used elements of his plan in his broadcast Comme un lundi ("Like a Monday"), thereby rendering himself guilty of parasiting him. The Court recalled that acknowledgement of wrongful parasiting within the meaning of Article 1382 of the Civil Code supposed the prior demonstration of the existence of a substance capable of being absorbed, in the form...

IRIS 1997-3:1/4 [FR] Development of an international code of conduct for the Internet

During 1996, France proposed to the other Member States of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) a Charter on international co-operation on the Internet. In the framewrok of this proposal, France commissioned the drafting of a code of conduct for the Internet, to be undertaken in close collaboration and concertation with professional users, especially publishers, access providers, industry representatives, IT companies, those involved in electronic commerce, the World Wide Web Consortium, academics, as well as non-profesional users. A working party has been working...

IRIS 1997-2:1/11 [FR] Appeal Court rejects TF1's demand to declare the acquisition of NETHOLD BV by CANAL PLUS illegal

On 29 January 1997, the Paris Appeal Court ( Cour d'appel de Paris) rendered judgement in a case involving the French private broadcasters TF1 and Canal Plus. Canal Plus is in the process of taking over NETHOLD BV. NETHOLD BV exploits a number of thematic television channels. Amongst those are a number of channels which are totally dedicated to sports events: Supersport Belgium, Supersport The Netherlands, Nordic Supersport (for Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden) and Télépiù 2. TF1, on the one hand, is involved in the EUROSPORT consortium, which operates a transnational sports channel by the...

IRIS 1997-1:1/27 [FR] Identification of violent programmes

Since 18 November 1996, for the protection of minors, it has been obligatory to identify films which contain violent or erotic material. Agreement was reached between the CSA ( Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel) , the French regulatory body for the media, and the national terrestial TV channels TF1, France 2, France 3 and M6. Five categories have been established in all: programmes are classified according to their compatibility with the spiritual, moral and mental development of children and young people. The classification, to be done by the above-mentioned broadcasters themselves, applies to...

IRIS 1997-1:1/26 [FR] France 2 fined for illegal advertising

In a decision of 6 November 1996, the French media authority CSA (Conseil supérieur de l'Audiovisuel), fined the public broadcaster France 2 for illegal advertising found in two different broadcasts of its show "N'oubliez pas votre brosse à dents" ("Don't forget your toothbrush"). France 2 is ordered to transfer an amount of FF 802,000 to a special account at the French Treasury for financial support to the film industry and the audio-visual programme industry. In the show which was broadcast on 1 April 1995, the CSA found a clear promotion of the Tunisean airline company Tunisair, the Tunisean...