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IRIS 1998-5:1/21 [FR] Production Conditions for Cinematographic Films

Virtually no films are produced nowadays without investment by encrypted or unencrypted television channels. The risk is that the cinema is forced to submit to the demands of television. In order to preserve everything that makes the cinema the "seventh art", Decrees in 1990 and 1995 established the conditions for the independence of film producers as regards the television channels. These Decrees have been considered insufficient, and draft amendments have been submitted to the CSA (Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel - the French media authority) for its opinion. The CSA considered that the independence...

IRIS 1998-5:1/10 [FR] Case Brought by Association of Television Viewers not Admissible

On 8 February 1994, the television news on the channel TF1 broadcast a report by Mr Bernard Volker on the explosion of a shell on 5 February 1994 on the market in Sarajevo which caused the death of 68 people. The reporter said that, according to official UNPROFOR sources, the shell had been fired from the Bosnian lines and not from the Serbian lines. Considering this information to be false, and that the reporter and the channel had failed to meet their obligation to provide the public with exact, honest information, the association TV Carton Jaune, an association whose aim is to represent the...

IRIS 1998-4:1/23 [FR] Heading for Digital Audio

Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), although still in its experimental stage, will necessarily grow. The EBU, aware of this trend, has set up an internal organisation named World DAB. In France, digital radio is doing its utmost to attract listeners. The legal framework is the Law of 10 April 1996 on experimentation in the field of information technology and services (loi du 10 avril 1996 relative aux expérimentations dans le domaine des technologies et services de l'information) and the Law of 30 September 1986 on the freedom of communication (loi du 30 septembre 1986 relative à la liberté de communication)....

IRIS 1998-4:1/22 [FR] Tasks of the CSA

In a decision of 7 January 1998 the French broadcasting supervisory body ( Conseil supérieur de l'Audiovisuel - CSA) has presented the new arrangements for its internal organisation and the tasks these involve. The CSA now has six departments: the audio-visual operators department, responsible for radio, television and cable authorisations and agreements; the new programmes department, which is to check that the obligations required of broadcasters regarding programming and production are complied with; the technical and new communications technologies department which will monitor the use of frequencies...

IRIS 1998-4:1/17 [FR] Conditions for Authorising the Encrypting of Telecommunications

The Act of 26 July 1996 reorganised the regulations on telecommunications in France; its purpose, specifically, is to bring the sector into line with European law. The Act includes provisions concerning encrypting. An implementing decree concerning the 1996 Act, dated 24 February 1998, has now defined the conditions for making declarations and granting authorisations in respect of encrypting means and services. Encrypting makes it possible to scramble the signal transmitted by a means of telecommunication and make it accessible only to persons with a decoder. The decree of 24 February 1998 sets...