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IRIS 2021-9:1/8 [FR] CSA reviews measures to combat the manipulation of information on online platforms

The loi du 22 décembre 2018 relative à la lutte contre la manipulation de l’information (Law of 22 December 2018 on combating the manipulation of information), requires online platform operators to cooperate in this area. For the second year, 11 such operators notified the CSA (the French audiovisual regulator) of the methods they had implemented in the fight against the dissemination of false information: Dailymotion, Facebook, Google (Google Search and YouTube), LinkedIn, Microsoft (Bing and Microsoft Advertising), Snapchat, Twitter, Unify (Doctissimo), Webedia (,...

IRIS 2021-9:1/9 [FR] Fight against hate speech and illegal online content: new obligations imposed on CSA-monitored platforms

The loi confortant le respect des principes de la République (law reinforcing respect of the principles of the Republic), which aims to combat separatism, was published in the Official Gazette on 25 August 2021. Chapter IV of the law contains a substantial range of measures designed to fight hate speech and illegal online content. Anticipating the transposition of the future European Digital Services Act (DSA), in particular the section concerning online hate, the legislator added an Article 6-4 to the loi pour la confiance en l’économie numérique (law on trust in...

IRIS 2021-9:1/10 [FR] Health crisis: new funding for cinema operators

Extending the measures introduced at the end of July to stimulate film exploitation by meeting cinemas’ cash-flow and investment needs, the Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (National Centre for Cinema and the Moving Image – CNC) announced, on 22 September, the creation of a new fund designed to offset some of the drop in income experienced by cinemas. The aim is to avoid any risk of economic failure that could impact the entire film industry. The lengthy enforced closure of cinemas from 28 October 2020 until 18 May 2021, as well as the health measures...

IRIS 2021-9:1/13 [FR] CSA considers Eric Zemmour an actor in national political debate and asks audiovisual media to measure his speaking time

At its plenary assembly on 8 September, the board of the Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel (the French audiovisual regulator – CSA) decided to ask audiovisual media to start measuring the amount of airtime given to essayist and polemicist Eric Zemmour in relation to the national political debate from the following day. Zemmour, who appears to be on the verge of standing in the presidential election, had been making daily appearances on the programme “Face à l’info” broadcast on channel C8 and watched by around 700 000 viewers between 7pm and 8pm each...

IRIS 2021-9:1/15 European Court of Human Rights: Sanchez v. France

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has delivered a controversial judgment with regard to the criminal liability for posts on Facebook. It found that the criminal conviction of a politician for failing to promptly delete hate speech, posted by others, from his public Facebook account, did not violate the right to freedom of expression as guaranteed under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The case concerned the criminal conviction of Julien Sanchez, a politician of the radical right-wing Rassemblement National (National Rally— RN), who was standing...