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IRIS 1999-4:1/17 [FR] New Decrees on Contribution to the Production of Cinematographic Works and the Independence of Producers from Broadcasters

The amended decree of 17 January 1990 fixed the amount which the terrestrial channels broadcasting unencrypted must devote to the production of cinematographic works originally made in the French language at 3 % of their net turnover in the previous financial year. This contribution may only be made through a subsidiary whose exclusive company object is cinematographic production. The contribution may not exceed half the total cost of the production, nor may more than half of it be made up of investment in the production by the subsidiary. Decree no. 99-189 of 11 March 1999 has now strengthened...

IRIS 1999-4:1/16 [FR] Reform of Financial Support for the Film Industry

The reform of the funding mechanisms for the cinematographic industry, announced some months ago, has now come about with the publication of the Decree of 24 February 1999. Previously, these procedures were governed by texts dating from 1959 which had been amended so often that they had become barely legible and scarcely coherent. The reform clarifies both the shape and content of financial support for the cinema. This is aimed not only at the production of full-length or short films and their distribution and broadcasting, but also at encouraging the promotion of the French cinema in France and...

IRIS 1999-4:1/2 [FR] Does the CSA have Authority to Regulate Audiovisual Services on the Internet?

Faced with the proliferation of radio and television broadcasting services on the Internet, the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA - official audiovisual monitoring body) is initiating a large-scale international forum on the crucial subject of the regulation of these services. The purpose is to make serious progress in regard to three major points: Does the Internet make it necessary to reconsider the legal framework for audiovisual communication? How should areas of responsibility be constituted? Are the independent regulatory bodies justified in participating in the regulation of audiovisual...

IRIS 1999-3:1/28 [FR] CSA's Tenth Birthday

In 1982, the creation of an audiovisual regulatory body responded to a political motive, whereas in 1990 questions were being asked about the raison d'être of such a regulatory function. And yet the CSA (Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel - official audiovisual regulatory body), the successor to the Haute autorité de la communication audiovisuelle (19821986) and the Commission nationale de la communication et des libertés (19861989), has survived, and has reached its tenth birthday. The composition of the CSA is no longer contested, although the designation of its members remains political. One-third...

IRIS 1999-3:1/22 [FR] CSA Issues Formal Notices to TF1 and France 3 in respect of Failure to Observe the Principle of the Honesty of Information

The principle of the honesty of information referred to in Article 2 of the Freedom of Communication Act of 30 September 1986 requires that television viewers should be given correct information and that procedures likely to mislead them should not be used. This principle is taken up in the terms and conditions of the public-sector channels, which are required to "refrain from using procedures likely to be affect the provision of correct information to the viewer". Under their agreement with the CSA ( Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuelofficial audiovisual regulatory body), the private-sector channels...