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IRIS 2001-10:1/15 [FR] CSA's Opinion on the Proposed Decree on Services Broadcast Terrestrially in Digital Mode

With a covering letter dated 31 July 2001, the Minister for Culture and Communication sent to the CSA (Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel - official regulatory body) the draft of a decree concerning television channels broadcasting terrestrially in digital mode. After gathering comments from the main parties concerned, the CSA met in plenary session on 2 October 2001 and delivered its opinion on the draft. The opinion starts by making general remarks. The CSA wishes to see the increase in the obligations spread out over a longer period than the five years proposed by the Government. It feels in...

IRIS 2001-10:1/14 [FR] New Agreement for TF1

The company Télévision française 1 (TF1) signed a new agreement with the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (French audiovisual regulatory authority - CSA) on 8 October. The agreement - which will come into force on 1 January 2002 and be valid for five years - has been reached at the end of much work and rounds of negotiations and follows on from the renewal of TF1's authorisation last April without calling for applications from any other parties. The new agreement is much more detailed, and has taken into account the wishes expressed by the CSA, particularly regarding ethical practice, and those...

IRIS 2001-10:1/13 [FR] Call for Vigilance on the Part of the Audiovisual Media in Handling International Events

In its role as the guarantor of pluralism and ethical presentation of news, the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA - official regulatory body) called on all radio and television companies on 3 October to exercise extreme vigilance in handling international events since the terrorist attacks in New York. While praising the discretion and control exercised by most of the audiovisual media in recent weeks, the CSA's Chairman has asked them, in carrying out their editorial responsibilities and having regard to both the regulations in force and their negotiated undertakings, to maintain respect...

IRIS 2001-9:1/37 [FR] Transposition of Directive 97/55/EC on Comparative Advertising

Seven Community Directives on consumer protection have now been transposed into French national law. The first section of the transposing order is devoted to comparative advertising, amending Articles L. 121-8 to L. 121-12 of the Consumer Code in order to take account of the provisions of Directive 97/55/EC of 6 October 1997. The rules governing comparative advertising have been relaxed; this is now defined as "any advertising that compares goods or services by identifying, implicitly or explicitly, a competitor or goods or services offered by a competitor". As previously, such advertising must...

IRIS 2001-9:1/36 [FR] French Regulations on Publishing Opinion Polls Incompatible with Article 10 of the ECHR

For the third time this year the Court of Cassation has found provisions of the French regulations on communications law incompatible with Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The present case referred to Articles 1, 11 and 12 of the Act of 19 July 1977 that prohibit publishing, circulating and commenting on opinion polls during the week preceding an election. Between the two ballots in the parliamentary elections in 1977, the newspaper Le Parisien published an analysis and commentary of an opinion poll under the heading "First round of parliamentary elections - what the...