Search results : 1115
Refine your searchIRIS 2002-9:1/15 [FR] French Government's Reply to Community Authorities on Sectors not Allowed to Advertise on Television | |
On 7 May the European Commission instructed France to repeal its decree of 27 March 1992 prohibiting advertising on television for a number of sectors of economic activity (literary publishing, the cinema, the press and large-scale distribution). Mr Aillagon, Minister of Culture and Communication, immediately announced that consultation would be embarked upon with the professionals concerned "in the near future" (see IRIS 2002-6: 13). Yet it was not until 25 September that the French Government replied to the Community authorities, giving its reasons for considering the contested regulations to... |
IRIS 2002-9:1/14 [FR] The CSA Delivers its Report on the Definition of what Constitutes an “Audiovisual Work” | |
At the end of 2001, when the "Popstars" programme was classified as an "audiovisual work" (see IRIS 2002-1: 8), the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (the audiovisual regulatory body - CSA) announced its decision to embark on a broader consideration, beyond this specific case, involving creators, producers and broadcasters, of the relevance of the present definition of what constitutes an "audiovisual work" (resulting from Article 4 of the Decree of 17 January 1990) in the light of new programme concepts, particularly reality television broadcasts (see IRIS 2001-2: 9). The report drawn up following... |
IRIS 2002-8:1/12 [FR] CSA Calls for a Stop to Pornographic Programmes on Television | |
By virtue of Article 15 of the Act of 30 September 1986, as amended, "the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (the audiovisual regulatory body - CSA) shall ensure the protection of children and young people and respect for human dignity in the programmes made available to the public by audiovisual communication services". In doing so, "it shall ensure that programmes likely to be harmful to the physical, mental or moral development of minors shall not be made available to the public by a sound or television broadcasting service, except where there is assurance, by the choice of the time the programme... |
IRIS 2002-7:1/34 European Commission: State Aid, Authorisation of Privatisation and Restructuring of the Société Française de Production | |
The Société Française de Production (SFP), a completely State-owned firm that operates in the audiovisual production sector, was created in 1974 further to the dismantling of the ORTF (Office de Radiotélévision Française). The SFP suffered a succession of crises since competition opened up in the audiovisual production sector, and has been granted a number of large subsidies by the State in order to be able to cope with the situation. The European Commission considered the payment of such aid unlawful, on the grounds that they were not justified by any plans for restructuring, and called for the... |
IRIS 2002-7:1/31 [FR] First Case-law on the Right to Reply On-line | |
Exercise of the right to reply on the Internet comes up against the problem of the lack of specific rules and some judges have been wondering, in the absence of any precedent, about the possibility of transposing to the Internet the existing arrangements for the right to reply, whether in the written press (Art. 13 of the Act of 29 July 1881) or in the audiovisual sector (Art. 6 of the Act of 29 July 1982 and the Decree of 6 April 1987). On 5 June the Regional Court in Paris was called on for the first time ever to deliberate in a case on this point. The applicant, who considered that certain documents... |