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IRIS 2008-7:1/19 [FR] CSA Proposals on the Editorial Line Adopted by Channels Belonging to the France Télévisions Group

In parallel with the work carried out by the Copé Commission (see IRIS 2008-7: 12), the CSA has been considering the content being offered by public service television against a backdrop of the discussions on an economic model. Its consideration has covered the articulation of the texts applicable to the programmes of the France Télévisions group and the evolution of the editorial lines of the public service channels. The CSA’s thinking, which has been examined a number of times in plenary session, has led it to reaffirm a number of principles that it considers inherent in public service programmes,...

IRIS 2008-7:1/18 [FR] Commission for the New Public Service Television Finalises its Report

On Wednesday, 18 June 2008, the Member of Parliament Jean-François Copé, after a final meeting of the Commission for the New Public Service Television of which he is chairman, revealed the recommendations that will be made to the French President on 25 June. In the end, the 26 members of the Commission have opted for a single financing scenario instead of the three proposed at the end of May (see IRIS 2008-5: 9). This will involve taxes and indexing of the licence fee with a view to providing compensation for the judgment on advertising on public service television. The Commission, therefore, recommends...

IRIS 2008-7:1/17 [FR] CSA Launches Public Consultation on the Right to Information in the Field of Sport

The Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel (French audiovisual regulatory body - CSA) announced on 10 June the opening of a public consultation on the right to information in the field of sport, continuing on from the consideration of the subject since last February. There are currently two methods for public audiovisual access to sports events. The first is the broadcasting of the event, usually live and generally in its entirety, which involves the channel acquiring rights that are often exclusive. The second takes the form of summarised reports that are normally offered free of charge by the radio...

IRIS 2008-7:1/16 [FR] Draft Legislation on Creation and the Internet Finally Revealed

Following the criticism and amendments expressed by the Conseil d’Etat during its examination provision of an opinion, the draft legislation on “promoting the diffusion and protection of creation on the Internet”, called the Creation and the Internet Act (see IRIS 2008-3: 12), was presented at the meeting of the Council of Ministers on 18 June 2008 by Christine Albanel, Minister for Culture. The purpose of the text, the product of the agreements resulting from the Olivennes mission (see IRIS 2008-1: 12), is to prevent and combat piracy while guaranteeing the ownership rights and moral rights of...

IRIS 2008-6:1/14 [FR] Announcement of Draft Legislation on the Cinema before the End of 2008

At the meeting of the French Government's Council of Ministers on 14 May 2008, Christine Albanel, Minister for Culture and Communication, presented a communication on policy in support of the cinema. Although France occupies third place in the world and first place in Europe as a film-producing country, and despite a series of historic records (record for cinema attendance to see the French film “ Bienvenue chez les Cht’is ”, three Oscars won in Hollywood, record for investment in French films), the sector nevertheless needed to prepare itself to deal with such challenges as entering the Internet...