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IRIS 2009-1:1/37 Court of First Instance: TFI Case against the Commission

The Court of First Instance has dismissed TF1’s action for the annulment of the Commission’s decision classifying certain measures adopted by the French Republic in favour of the public television stations France 2 and France 3 as State aid compatible with the common market, due to its legal team’s procedural mishaps. TF1’s claims have been ongoing since 1993. In 1993, Télévision française 1 SA (TF1), owners of the private French television network TF1, launched a complaint to the European Commission concerning the methods of funding of two French public channels, France 2 and France 3. TF1 argued...

IRIS 2009-1:1/21 [FR] Change to Conditions for Broadcasting Cinema Films on Television

The Decree of 17 January 1990 laying down the general principles for television service editors broadcasting cinematographic and audiovisual works was amended on 28 November 2008. The text, which prohibited the showing of cinematographic works on Wednesday and Friday evenings, all day Saturday, and after 8.30 pm on Sunday, in order to protect exploitation in cinema theatres, has been rendered more flexible. Those television channels other than cinema or pay-per-view services whose agreements or lists of missions and duties provide that they are to devote a proportion of their turnover to expenditure...

IRIS 2009-1:1/20 [FR] CSA Opinion on Draft Legislation on the Public-sector Audiovisual Scene

On 7 October 2008, the Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel (national audiovisual regulatory authority - CSA) delivered the opinion requested by the Government on draft legislation to modernise the public-sector audiovisual scene currently being discussed in Parliament, which raises a number of issues. The CSA was concerned about the France Télévisions holding company becoming a single company - a move it had not been consulted about in advance - and commented on the importance of the company’s lists of missions and duties guaranteeing respect for the identity of each of the channels, the absence...

IRIS 2009-1:1/19 [FR] France 2’s  Les Infiltrés Programme Makes Headline News

Les Infiltrés is a discussion programme based on reporting carried out exclusively using concealed cameras aimed at “gaining access to information revealing dysfunctions of French society that are being kept secret, by means of ‘infiltration’ by a journalist” that has a keen following among the public but is less appreciated by professionals. After the national syndicate of journalists had been disparaging about the method used, recalling the specific features of public-sector audiovisual services and the ethical principles that require journalists to make use of this type of procedure only on...

IRIS 2009-1:1/18 [FR] Persistence Pays Off for Comedian Bringing Cases against Video Share Sites

In recent months a French comedian has brought a number of cases against video share sites showing extracts of his DVDs. The cases were always rejected, but he continued his crusade and his perseverance has finally paid off - two recent decisions leave a glimmer of hope of effective recourse for beneficiaries against platforms of this type. Based not on counterfeiting but on the reactivity of hosts, which was made an obligation by the Act of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, the decision in the case of Lafesse v YouTube delivered on 14 November 2008 concluded that the platform...