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IRIS 2009-7:1/21 [FR] HADOPI Looks at Media Chronology and the Rights of On-line Editors

Apart from the high-profile “graduated response” it contains, the Act of 12 June 2009 “promoting the circulation and protection of creation on the Internet” also institutes the status of the on-line press editor, reforms journalists’ copyright protection, and makes changes to media chronology. Article 27 of the Act supplements Article 1 of the Act of 1 August 1986 reforming the legal scheme applicable to the press, creating the status of the on-line press editor and details this person’s responsibility. “On-line press service” refers to any on-line service of communication to the public edited...

IRIS 2009-7:1/20 [FR] HADOPI’s Power of Sanction Censured by the Constitutional Council

After months of controversy, the Act “promoting the circulation and protection of creation on the Internet” (the HADOPI Act), adopted on 13 May 2009 after long and laborious parliamentary debate, has finally been censured by the Constitutional Council, to which it had been referred by opposition MPs opposed to the text. The Act was designed basically to set up a “graduated response” to the illegal downloading of works on the Internet, and introduced a “High Authority for the circulation of works and the protection of rights on the Internet” (HADOPI), a nine-member independent administrative authority...

IRIS 2009-7:1/19 [FR] Court Judgment against Television Channel for Infringement of a Competitor Channel’s Brand Name

The M6 television channel, which for the past 22 years has been showing a daily news report entitled “6 minutes”, available in various local versions and downloadable on-line on the channel’s Internet site, owns various “6 minutes” brand names to designate the broadcast. M6 noted that the channel France 3 had lodged a “7 Minutes” brand name in 2006, used for a news programme of that name, and had its competitor summoned to appear in court on a charge of infringement of a brand name. In a judgment delivered on 29 April 2009, the regional court of Paris held that the disputed signs were different...

IRIS 2009-7:1/18 [FR] Court of Cassation Classifies Participation in Reality Television Broadcast as Employment Contract

In line with the industrial tribunal and the court of appeal of Paris (see IRIS 2008-4: 13), the social section of the court of cassation delivered a noteworthy decision on 3 June 2009 upholding the claim brought by three participants in the reality television programme “l’Ile de la Tentation” for the “participant regulations” they had signed to be reclassified as an employment contract. The programme consists of “filming the day-to-day lives of couples on an island paradise in order to test the strength of their love“. The programme’s production company referred to the clauses in the documents...

IRIS 2009-6:1/20 [FR] CSA Lays Down Conditions for Second Commercial Break in Programmes

The national rules applicable to television advertising, sponsorship on television, and teleshopping have been relaxed with the transposition of the “Audiovisual Media Services” Directive of 11 December 2007 into French law. Thus, although the Act of 5 March 2009 (see IRIS 2009-4: 10) put an end to the broadcasting of advertising on the France Télévisions channels, it nevertheless authorised the private channels, other than cinema channels, to include an extra commercial break in audiovisual and cinematographic works (Article 73). This second break, which previously the CSA had allowed only during...