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IRIS 2021-1:1/3 [ES] First Draft Law on Audiovisual Communication

On 6 November, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation made public a Draft Law on Audiovisual Communication (Anteproyecto de Ley General de la Comunicación Audiovisual) with the aim of transposing the European Union's amended Audiovisual Media Services Directive and updating the regulation of the sector so that there is a level playing field for all competing agents. The draft is open to public information and consultation until 3 December and, once approved, will substitute the current Law 7/2010 on Audiovisual Communication. The main changes proposed in relation...

IRIS 2020-10:1/1 [ES] CNMC launches public consultation on the application of media service providers regulation to VSPs

On 1 October, the National Commission on Markets and Competition (Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia - CNMC), the Spanish regulator, launched a public consultation to determine whether video-sharing platforms (VSP) should comply with the current regulation that media service providers (MSP) are subject to. The development of new audiovisual actors such as VSPs and new media services which are sometimes difficult to categorise were some of the reasons for the update of the AVMSD; the new Directive redefined the concept of a programme, making it no longer necessary to have...

IRIS 2020-7:1/1 [ES] Pre-financing obligation regulated by the Spanish Audiovisual Law boosts the production of TV series

The Spanish regulator (Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia, CNMC) has published a report about compliance with the obligations to pre-finance European audiovisual productions during 2018, which, in line with the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, are mandated by Spanish Audiovisual Law 7/2010 (Ley General de la Comunicación Audiovisual, Article 5.3). The obligations are stipulated differently depending on the type of operator: public service broadcasters must invest 6% of their profits from the previous year, whilst commercial players contribute 5%. Moreover,...

IRIS 2020-7:1/29 [ES] COVID-19 Guidelines for safety in film productions issued by ICAA

On 14 May 2020, the Institute of Cinematography of Audiovisual Arts (ICAA) issued its Guidelines of good practices on special measures for the prevention of risks at work in the audiovisual sector, a series of preventive measures against the coronavirus approved by the Spanish Government and applicable when shooting in Spain in the initial phase of the process of deconfinement. With the publication of the aforementioned guidelines, the ICAA has provided the Spanish film industry with some basic, non-binding guidelines and recommendations on the prevention and protection measures to be followed...

IRIS 2020-5:1/5 [ES] Cultural industries and COVID-19 in Spain

Cultural industries in Spain, and specifically live entertainment (music, theatre, dance, cinemas, etc.), have been seriously damaged by the lockdown due to COVID-19. The Spanish Government has issued certain rules and benefits to minimise the impact of the pandemic among self-employed people in general. The Minister of Culture was seriously critised when he declared that there would be no public aid for the cultural sector. However, in a meeting on Friday, 17 April with all the Counsellors of Culture of the Autonomous Communities and Federation of Cities, he seemed to rectify this, but without...