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IRIS 2021-9:1/11 [ES] The CAC approves the report on the CCMA’s fulfillment of its public service missions in 2019

The Plenary session of the regulatory authority, Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya (Catalan Audiovisual Council — CAC), held on 8 September, approved Agreement 73/2021 on the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals' (Catalan Media Corporation — CCMA) fulfilment of the public service missions assigned by Ley 22/2005, de 29 de diciembre, de la comunicación audiovisual de Cataluña (Law 22/2005, of 29 December, on audiovisual communication in Catalonia — LCA). The CAC report analyses the content broadcast and disseminated by the CCMA during...

IRIS 2021-8:1/5 [ES] Regulator calls on RFEF to amend proposal for commercialising football audiovisual rights

On 6 July 2021, the Spanish regulator Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y de la Competencia (CNMC) called on the Real Federación Española de Fútbol (Spanish Football Federation - RFEF) to amend its proposal for commercialising the 2021-2024 audiovisual rights of the new Primera RFEF category in Spain, Europe and international markets. According to the CNMC, the RFEF proposal does not comply with certain aspects established in Royal Decree-Act 5/2015, which regulates the audiovisual broadcasting rights of professional football. The RFEF should amend its commercialisation...

IRIS 2021-8:1/31 [ES] Second Draft Law on Audiovisual Communication

Within the framework of the transposition of Directive 2018/1808 on audiovisual media services into Spanish law, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation of the Spanish Government submitted the Draft Law on Audiovisual Communication again to a public hearing on 29 June 2021. This latest version incorporates some of the contributions received in the previous consultation period held in December 2020. It is expected therefore that some of the comments sent up to 12 July in this new round of consultation will also be incorporated into the final text. The main new features...

IRIS 2021-7:1/7 European Commission: Spain needs to recover incompatible aid from certain DTT operators

On 10 June 2021, the European Commission concluded that the aid received by terrestrial operators for the digitisation and extension of the terrestrial television network in remote areas of Spain was against EU State aid rules. Following the annulment of a 2013 Commission decision (see IRIS 2013-7/5) by the Court of Justice for inadequate reasoning as to the selectivity of the measure (see IRIS 2018-2/5), an additional in-depth investigation confirmed that the measures adopted by Spain between 2005 and 2008 to facilitate the switch from analogue to digital television constituted incompatible...

IRIS 2021-6:1/11 [ES] RTVE interview violated the principles of informative neutrality and equality

On 13 May 2021, the Junta Electoral Central (Central Electoral Board - JEC) partially upheld the appeal filed by the political party Vox against Decision no. 92 of the Provincial Electoral Board of Madrid of 1 May 2021, in relation to its complaint against the Corporación Radio y Televisión Española for the interview with the Vox candidate, in the programme "La Hora de la 1", broadcast on 26 April 2021. The decision rules that, in the terms in which the interview was carried out, there was a violation by RTVE of the principles of informative neutrality and equality...