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IRIS 1997-2:1/5 State of Signatures and Ratifications on 1 February of the: European Convention on transfrontier television European Convention on cinematographic co-production

In IRIS 1996-5: 10 we published an overview of the State of Signatures and Ratifications of all European Conventions and other international treaties that are relevant to the audio-visual sector. In IRIS 1996-7: 5, IRIS 1996-8: 6 (September issue), IRIS 1996-9: 7 (October issue), IRIS 1996-10: 5 and in IRIS Special 1996 we updated this overview. We can now report that in the meantime, Slovakia ratified the European Convention on transfrontier television. Slovakia, which signed this Convention on 11 September 1996, ratified it on 20 January 1997. Consequently, the date of entry into force will be...

IRIS 1996-10:1/23 [ES] Cable Regulation

IRIS 1996-2: 10 reported on the regulatory developments in the Spanish telecommunications and cable TV sectors in the last quarter of 1995. Since then, after the approval of Act No 42/1995 of 22 December 1995 relating to Telecommunications by Cable, two new legislative instruments have been adopted to implement and complete the provisions of the Act that relate to cable: Decree No 2066/1996 of 13 of September 1996 (the Cable Regulation), implementing the provisions relating to the technical aspects and clarifying the conditions on which basis telecommunications services may be offered via cable...

IRIS 1996-6:1/17 [ES] Overview of relevant new legislative rules

The following is a brief summary of the new legislative rules that have been passed in Spain in the first period of 1996. The Intellectual Property Law, dated 11 November 1987, has been repealed by Legislative Royal Decree No. 1/1996, of 22 April 1996 (hereinafter the 'Royal Decree'). This Royal Decree is a code that adjusts, clarifies and harmonises all relevant laws concerning intellectual property in Spain. The Royal Decree fulfils the final provision of the Law of 11 October 1995 of implementing the Council Directive 93/98/CEE of 29 October 1993, on the harmonisation of the term of protection...

IRIS 1996-4:1/22 European Commission: Objections against Cablevision agreement of Telefonica and Canal Plus Spain

On 3 April 1996, the daily bulletin EUROPE reported that the European Commission has sent a letter of grievances to the Spanish companies Telefonica and Canal Plus Spain regarding to the Cablevision joint venture agreement entered into by these two companies. Cablevision provides technical, administrative and commercial services to cable operators in Spain. The Commission considers that this joint venture represents a concentration of Community-wide dimension which should have been notified to it under Council Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 of 21 December 1989 on the control of concentrations between...

IRIS 1996-2:1/16 [ES] Developments in telecommunications in 1995

During the last quarter of 1995 various Acts which are going to revolutionise the telecommunications market were adopted and entered into force. In October 1995, the following European Community Directives were implemented in Spanish law: - Act No 27/1995 of 11 October 1995 implementing Council Directive 93/98/EEC of 29 October 1993, harmonising the term of copyright and certain related rights (OJEC of 24.11.1993, No L 290, p. 9); and - Act No 28/1995 of 11 October 1995 implementing Council Directive 93/83/EEC of 27 September 1993, on the coordination of certain rules concerning copyright and...