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IRIS 1997-10:1/25 [ES] Non Adoption of a Bill on Media Concentration

In June, the party Izquierda Unida (United Left) presented a Bill on media concentration. This Bill proposed an increase of the existing disclosure obligations measures for media companies; introduced press concentration and cross-ownership rules, which at the moment do not have a specific regulation in Spain; proposed the reinforcement of the ownership limits for radio, and especially for national and local TV and for cable TV, this meaning that a company wouldn't be allowed to own, directly or indirectly, more than 25% of the capital of a TV broadcaster; and proposed the creation of a Consejo...

IRIS 1997-10:1/19 [ES] Bill on Telecommunications

This June, the Spanish Government presented a new Bill on Telecommunications. The Bill is due to substitute the 1987 Ley de Ordenación de las Telecomunicaciones (LOT), in order to comply with the requirements of EC Telecommunications law. The Bill only deals with telecommunications (liberalisation and free competition in telecommunications market; interconnection of networks; numbering policy; telecommunications public service; privacy of data in telecommunications networks; sanctions; telecommunication authorities...). The Bill expressely establishes that radio and TV broadcasting are excluded...

IRIS 1997-9:1/13 [ES] The Spanish Government Modifies the Digital TV Law

The Spanish Government has changed the Law 17/1997, of 3 May 1997, by which the EC Directive 95/47 on the use of standards for the transmission of television signals (see IRIS 1996-2: 5) had been incorporated in Spanish law. Two articles of this Law 17/1997 created a strong controversy, widely discussed in Spain: - Art. 7.a) of Law 17/1997established that all decoders should be open, and that the operators using simulcrypt decoders (like Canal Satelite, the only channel operating at that time) had to reach an agreement with the other operators so that all programs could be received with a single...

IRIS 1997-8:1/19 [ES] Adoption of Law on the Broadcasting of Major Events

On 3 July 1997 a new law relating to the broadcasting of sports and other events of national interest was adopted in Spain. This controversial law regulates the access of the media to sport stadiums, and establishes that a special Television Commission will be entrusted with the task of deciding which events are to be considered of national interest. These events cannot be broadcast on a pay-per-view basis. The new rules have been contested by Audiovisual Sport, a society formed by Sogecable (part of the PRISA group), Antena Tres en TV3 Catalonia. Audiovisual Sport owns all the exclusive television...

IRIS 1997-8:1/18 [ES] Final Approval of Law on Liberalisation of Telecommunications

In IRIS 1997-5: 12, we reported on the Spanish Real Decreto-Ley (Royal decree) 6/1996 on the liberalisation of the telecommunications sector. This Royal Decree was replaced on 24 April 1997 by Law 12/1997 concerning the liberalisation of telecommunications. The reason for the replacement of the Royal Decree by this new law is a formal one. A Royal Decree is a Statute adopted by the Government (which is only possible in the case where there is an extreme and urgent need) which directly has force of law but needs to be approved by the Parliament within 30 days of its adoption by the Government. Parliament...