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IRIS 1998-9:1/24 [ES] Resolution Sets Limits to Advertising Campaigns Made by Dominant Operators

The Telecommunications Market Commission ( Comisión del Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones - CMT) is an independent authority whose tasks include safeguarding competition in the telecommunication market and in the audio-visual and interactive services markets. The CMT has the power to pass resolutions in order to ensure that those markets remain open to new entrants. Making use of those powers, the CMT has recently approved a Resolution that sets certain limits to advertising campaigns made by dominant operators in the telecommunications market and in the audio-visual and interactive services markets....

IRIS 1998-9:1/20 [ES] Possession or Distribution of Audio-Visual Works Containing Child Pornography Classified as Criminal Offences

The Spanish Parliament is now discussing an amendment to the provisions of the Spanish Criminal Code regulating sex-related crimes. According to the projected version of article 189 (1) (b) of the Spanish Criminal Code, the production, sale, distribution or exhibition of pornographic material in which children have participated would be punished with one to three years' imprisonment. A new article 189 (2) of the Spanish Criminal Law would punish with six months to two years' imprisonment those who are in possession of pornographic material of that kind.

IRIS 1998-9:1/15 [ES] New Provisions on the Protection of Personal Data and of Their Free Movement

The Spanish Government has approved Decree nº 1736/1998, which regulates, among other things, the protection of personal data in the provision of telecommunication services. The Decree implements the related provisions included in the General Telecommunications Act 1998 ( see IRIS 1998-6 :9) and refers to relevant basic legislation on this subject contained in Law 5/1992, of 29 October 1992 on the regulation of the automated handling of personal data ( Ley Orgánica de Regulación del Tratamiento Automatizado de los Datos de Carácter Personal -LORTAD). The Decree also includes specific provisions...

IRIS 1998-9:1/14 [ES] Catalan Decree on Quotas for Films in Catalan

The Catalan Government has passed a Decree on the promotion of films dubbed or subtitled in Catalan. This Decree implements Article 28 of the Catalan Law 1/1998, on linguistic policy ( Ley catalana de política lingüística). According to the Decree, if a cinema company wants to distribute dubbed films in Catalonia, half of its copies of successful films ( i.e., those with more than 17 copies distributed within Catalonia) must be dubbed in Catalan. Also the film companies must per year distribute 25% of their dubbed and subtitled film copies in Catalan. The première of a film dubbed in Catalan must...

IRIS 1998-8:1/18 [ES] Code of Listed Sport Events

The Plenary Meeting of the recently founded Committee for the Broadcasting of Sport Events ( Consejo para las emisiones y retransmisiones deportivas) (see Iris 1998-7:11) has published the Code of Listed Sport Events for the season 1998/1999. These events shall not be broadcast on pay-TV. The sports affected are football, cycling, basketball, track & field, handball, motorcycle racing and tennis. The Code indicates the number of events in each of these sports that must be broadcasted in free-access TV. The most controversial aspect is the broadcasting of the Spanish football league. It has been...