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IRIS 1999-2:1/24 [ES] New Provisions on Digital Terrestrial TV

The Spanish Government has approved two Ministerial Orders on digital terrestrial TV. The first establishes that within three months of the publication of the Ministerial Order, existing private TV broadcasters may apply for a temporary concession to manage a digital programme service in a multiplex. These concessions would last until the end of their current concessions, in the year 2000. The Ministerial Order also states that each multiplex will be able to carry five digital programme services. The second Ministerial Order indicates which cities shall be covered in each of the different phases...

IRIS 1998-10:1/25 [ES] Bill on the Amendment of the Private TV Law

A Bill on the amendment of the Private TV Law 1988 has been presented to the Spanish Parliament. The amendment would allow private broadcasting companies to be listed on the stock exchange. Under the current provisions of the Private TV Law, the broadcasting companies must be public limited companies, and they must have registered shares, in order to allow the public authorities knowledge of who are the owners of these broadcasting companies. Registered shares cannot be sold in a stock market. According to the Bill, the shares would no longer have to be registered. Instead, the relevant individuals...

IRIS 1998-10:1/18 [ES] Approval of a Decree on Digital Terrestrial Television

A Decree on the National Technical Plan on Digital Terrestrial Television (DTTV) has been approved in order to establish DTTV services in Spain. The legal basis of the Decree is the forty-fourth Additional Provision of Law 66/1997, of 30. December 1997, which refers to the possible introduction of these new services. According to this Decree, there will be several transmission networks called "multiplexes", each of which will be able to carry at least four different programme services. The Decree reserves programme services in some of the multiplexes for existing national and regional public service...

IRIS 1998-10:1/13 [ES] Agreements Signed in 1993 for the Televising of the Spanish Football League Were Unlawful

The Audiencia Nacional (AN) confirmed the 1993 decision of the Spanish anti-trust authority (Tribunal de Defensa de la Competencia - TDC) that the agreements for the televising of Spanish Football League matches between the Spanish Professional Football League ( Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional - LNFP) and some Spanish broadcasters ( TVE, Canal Plus and the Federación de Organismos de RadioTelevisión Autonómica -FORTA-, the Association of Regional Broadcasters) were unlawful. The TDC had taken this decision because the scope of the exclusivity rights was too wide: they had been signed for a...

IRIS 1998-9:1/27 [ES] Regional Governments and the Ministry of Development Dispute Over Regulation Concerning TV Licensing

The Governments of Andalusia and the Canary Islands are currently in dispute with the Ministry of Development ( Ministerio de Fomento) over Law 46/1983 of the 1983 Third Channel TV Act, which regulates regional TV and appears to allow each region only one TV channel. Furthermore, the Law's requirement that the regional TV channel be directly managed by the regional Government seems not to leave any room for the participation of private companies in the management of regional television channels. According to a draft Regional Public Service TV Bill, presented by the Government and currently being...